標題: 布迪厄的移地研究:遊戲場域的資本與階級
Shifting on Bourdieu's Study to Game Culture: The Capital and Class of the Game Field
作者: 周冠廷
Chou, Kuan-Ting
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 社會資本;遊戲文化;文化資本;象徵暴力;性別;social capital;symbolic violence;gender;online game culture;cultural capital
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本文以社會學的角度,探索遊戲空間內的資本組成與象徵暴力。挪用P. Bourdieu場域、資本與階級的概念,作為研究的分析架構。遊戲世界是現實社會的縮影,亦是青少年社會化的空間,玩家擁有的經濟資本、社會資本與文化資本,如何建立社會位置,以及象徵秩序在此空間的運作與維持。研究方法上,採取半結構式的深度訪談法,分析20位遊戲玩家對於遊戲經驗與日常生活的詮釋。
The virtual world in online games is a miniature of reality and a space of socia-lization for teenagers. The purpose of this research is to deconstruct capital formation and symbolic violence in the game field. With the adoption of Bourdieu's analytical framework and his concepts of field, capital and class, how players use their economic capital, social capital and cultural capital to establish social positions is discussed in this research. The research method is adopted by depth interview with 20 participants. Through their experiences of playing games, the relationships and the conflicts among different social classes in game field are depicted.
There are four results. First, the social position is piled together by economic capital, cultural capital and social capital. Economic capital is only a ticket to reach the threshold of dominant class in game field. Cultural capital and social capital are the main factors in class construction. Second, this study builds the conversion model of capitals in the game field, which depicts the circulatory relationship among economic, cultural and social capitals. Also, the capitals help to bring positive developments toward daily life. Third, symbolic violence contains two perspectives: class and gender. Symbolic violence of class is shaped by capital formation of players’ different social positions. Symbolic violence of gender is a phenomenon of domination in cor-respondence to patriarchal society; however, players can stop the phenomenon and counter the gender order through various means. Last, the research also deconstructs the cause of players’ stigmatization. While facing the negative label imposed by the outside, playersare also motivated to rethink and redefine their identity. The game field then becomes a potential land of breaking disciplinary boundaries and relieving gender oppression.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359128