標題: 工業4.0之國家創新系統分析
An NIS Analysis of the Industry 4.0
作者: 王子銘
Shyu,Joseph Z
關鍵字: 國家創新系統;產業創新系統;政策工具;工業4.0;National Innovation Systems;Industry Innovation Systems;Policy Instrument;Industry 4.0
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究主要探討各國工業4.0產業之創新政策,研究方法結合創新政策工具與產業創新系統之觀念,以創新密集服務業平台為架構分析各國工業4.0產業政策,並進一步找出現有工業4.0產業創新政策工具與產業創新要素之關聯性,期望能提供台灣推動工業4.0產業創新政策擬定之參考。 本研究主要專注於產業層級與國家層級。在產業層級部分,首先針對工業4.0發展現況與美國、德國、中國大陸、台灣之現行政策進行資料蒐集,並以國家創新系統為架構分析。在國家層級方面,將各國主要之工業4.0政策歸納至國家創新系統之十二項政策工具(包括供給面、環境面、需求面)。在產業層級方面,將各國主要之工業4.0政策歸納至國家創新系統之產業創新要素。並分析整理各項政策工具與產業創新要素之關聯性比較。 產業層級之實證結果顯示,各國工業4.0產業政策在產業創新系統的分布為產業環境構面之「生產要素」與技術系統構面之「產業網路連結性」。而台灣目前政策偏向為產業環境構面之「生產要素」,為22.2%,次之為技術系統構面之「產業網路連結性」,為19.4%。 國家層級之實證結果顯示,目前各國工業4.0產業政策以環境面的「法規及管制」和「政策性策略」為主。而台灣目前政策偏向為「政策性策略」,為33.3%,次之為「法規及管制」、「科學與技術發展」和「教育與訓練」,皆為16.7%。
The study investigates the innovation policies of industry 4.0. From the point of view of the Innovative Intensive Services, the methodology constructs an integrated model of Industrial Innovation Systems and National Innovation Systems. The National Innovation Systems analysis identifies the industrial innovative factors of industry 4.0. Furthermore, the study examine the correlation between the policy instruments and the industrial innovation factors. The results of the study can serve as reference for Taiwan government in planning innovation policies of the trend of industry 4.0 in the future. The study focused on the industrial level and the national level. In terms of the industrial level, the study collected the information of the current situation of the industry 4.0 and the related policies in US, Germany, China, and Taiwan. The analysis used the industrial innovative system model to figure out the industrial innovative factors of the industry 4.0. In terms of the national level, the study categorized the current related policies into the 12 policy instruments of the National Innovation Systems, and analyzed the relation between the current related policies and industrial innovative factors. Results of the study in the industry 4.0 at the industrial level reveal the critical factors of Industrial Innovation System in Industrial Environment include Factor Conditions , whereas the critical factors of Technological Systems include Connectivity. Results of the study in the industry 4.0 at the national level reveal that the highest rated policy instrument is Laws and Regulations, the second rated instrument is are Political. The highest rated policy instruments in Taiwan is Political (33.3%), the second rated instrument are Laws and Regulations (16.7%), Education (16.7%) and Scientific and Technical (16.7%).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353502