標題: 兩岸辦公家具發展之差異探討
A Study on the Difference of the Office Furniture Development between both sides of Taiwan and China
作者: 鄭正雄
Cheng, Cheng-Hsiung
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
關鍵字: 兩岸;辦公家具;辦公環境;趨勢;設計;滿意度;cross-strait;office furniture;office environment;trend;design;satisfaction
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 臺灣曾走過一段令人驕傲的經濟高速發展成果,但自九○年代以後,產業開始大量外移到中國,二千年以後的經濟發展呈現停滯不前且逐步衰退;反觀中國大陸則是吸引全世界的資金投資,在短短廿年期間躍升為全球第二大經濟體。而中國大陸的經濟高速發展,辦公家具產業迅速成長,辦公環境也更受到重視,這樣的發展趨勢與臺灣走過的路似曾相識。而兩岸之間的交流日趨頻繁,臺灣的辦公家具產業也應思考尋求市場的機會與出路。本研究即是探討辦公家具產業的發展歷史及未來趨勢,為兩岸辦公家具的未來發展建構更清晰的樣貌。 本研究主要透過文獻探討、問卷調查及訪談,進行兩岸辦公家具及辦公環境發展之深度研究,有系統地建立出兩岸辦公家具發展歷史、辦公環境重要設計因素調查及其異同比較,以及歸納出兩岸未來辦公家具發展趨勢。本研究共訪談兩岸74家重要辦公家具企業,其中臺灣地區41家、中國地區33家;問卷調查兩岸共943名受調者,其中臺灣地區454人、中國地區489人。研究結果顯示,兩岸辦公家具產業發展存在著時間差異,關鍵點則以2000年作為彼此消長的一個分水嶺。就辦公家具產品發展來看,在1990年以前,臺灣領先大陸約有25-30年左右;2000年以後差距逐漸縮小;2010年以後,中國辦公家具的產品發展快速,與臺灣的差異已不大。另一項研究結果顯示,兩岸辦公工作者對影響辦公環境因素的認知差異並不大。 本研究結果,期望為兩岸辦公家具產業發展,帶來新的策略高度,提供該產業未來發展方向之參考。另外,也期許未來兩岸有更多的研究者,投入辦公家具與辦公環境的相關議題研究,為辦公環境質量的提升帶來正面的影響。
Taiwan takes pride in its period of rapid economic development. However, the massive outflow of the businesses since the 1990s has led to stagnant economic development and a gradual economic downturn after 2000, but China has attracted the world’s capital investment, taking a leap to become the world’s second largest economy in two short decades. Due to China’s high economic development, the office furniture industry has achieved rapid growth, while the office environment has also received attention. This development trend is similar to what Taiwan has experienced. With the increasingly frequent exchanges between the two sides, Taiwan’s office furniture industry should also consider seeking market opportunities to find the way out. This study explores the development history and future trend of the office furniture industry in order to depict a clearer face of future cross-strait office furniture development. Through literature reviews, questionnaire surveys, and interviews, this study conducted an in-depth study on cross-strait office furniture and office environment development, systematically completed the office furniture development history of the two sides, investigated important design factors related to the office environment, compared the similarities and differences, and summarized the future development trend of cross-strait office furniture. A total of 74 important office furniture companies from the two sides were interviewed, of which 41 were companies from Taiwan and 33 were companies from China. The questionnaire survey consists of 943 respondents from the two sides, including 454 from Taiwan and 489 from China. The results show: time differences exist in cross-strait office furniture industry development, with Year 2000 as the demarcating point for the rise and fall of both sides. From the viewpoint of office furniture development, prior to 1990, Taiwan was 25-30 years ahead of China, but after 2000, the gap gradually narrowed. After 2010, China achieved rapid office furniture product development and caught up with Taiwan. Another study finding shows the office workers from the two sides do not differ much in terms of their perception of factors affecting the office environment. The results in this study are expected to bring cross-strait office furniture industry development to new strategic heights and serve as a reference for the future industrial development. In addition, this study expects to see more researchers from the two sides to conduct a research on office furniture and office environment related issues in order to positively enhance the quality and quantity of office environments.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079542802
Appears in Collections:Thesis