標題: 三星手機電池爆炸事件對三星及蘋果供應鏈之股價反應分析
Market Reactions to Samsung's Mobile Phone Battery Explosion for Samsung’s and Companies Supply Chain
作者: 劉名宸
Liu, Ming-Chen
Tsai, Bi-Huei
關鍵字: 三星電子;蘋果公司;供應鏈;Note7;iPhone;報酬率;Samsung Electronics;Apple;Supply chain;Note7;iPhone;報酬率
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 2016年8月起陸續發生的三星智慧型手機電池爆炸事件,可說是近年來在消費性電子產品發生的眾多瑕疵問題當中最為嚴重的事故,期間三星股票因此大跌,而蘋果公司是三星電子的競爭對手股票將因此而大漲。台灣的電子業廠商大多數皆為三星電子與蘋果公司的供應鏈廠商,該供應鏈的廠商也有可能因此受到波及。本研究欲藉由三星智慧型手機的電池爆炸事件,來分析對於台灣的三星及蘋果供應鏈廠商的股價是否具有異常報酬,以瞭解投資人對於該事件在股價的反應結果會是如何表現的。我們的研究發現了幾點結果,分別簡述如下: 1. 三星供應鏈的廠商股票於事件日發生當日,具有負向的異常報酬率。 2. 蘋果供應鏈的廠商股票於事件日發生當日,並未出現正向的異常報酬率。 3. 蘋果供應鏈的廠商股票於事件日發生當日的異常報酬率或平均累積異常報酬率,均未明顯高於三星供應鏈的廠商股票。
Samsung’s smart phone battery explosion occurred by Aug. 2016. It is serious problems more than other accident in consumer electronics products in recent years. Samsung stock will be fell during this period, while Apple is Samsung rival that’s stock will therefore rise. Taiwan's electronics manufacturers are mostly Samsung Electronics and Apple's supply chain manufacturers. The supply chain manufacturers may also be affected by the spread. This study would like to use the Samsung smart phone battery explosion event. To analyze whether Taiwan's Samsung and Apple supply chain manufacturers have abnormal compensation for the stock price. To understand the investor for the event in the stock price reaction results will be how to show. Our study found a few results, it can reference as follows: 1. Samsung supply chain vendor stock on the day of the incident occurred. That with negative rate of return. 2. Apple supply chain vendor stock on the day of the incident occurred. That didn’t appear positive abnormal rate of return. 3. Apple supply chain vendor stock on the day of the incident on the abnormal rate of return or the average cumulative abnormal rate of return. That were not significantly higher than the Samsung supply chain vendor stock.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463109
Appears in Collections:Thesis