Title: 臺灣綠能機車發展分析
The Analysis of Green Energy Scooter Development in Taiwan
Authors: 余凡
Yu, Fan
Cho, Hsun-Jung
Keywords: 鋰電池機車;氫燃料電池機車;產業發展分析;競爭分析;使用成本分析;Electric Scooter;Hydrogen Fuel Cell Scooter;Analysis of Industrial Development;Competitive Analysis;Cost Analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,全球過度依賴化石能源,然而化石能源為環境帶來許多負面的效益(如:全球暖化、空氣汙染等),不僅如此,在臺灣自有能源匱乏的情況下,還造成國內龐大的外匯支出。基於此些原因,政府積極地推動多項政策與措施,期能解決上述之問題。在交通運輸方面,增加大眾運輸使用率、減少車輛停等所造成的污染排放等方式成效都很有限,因此,推廣綠能運具,從運具使用的能源著手已成為一個必然的趨勢。礙於臺灣國內運具的製造能力,本研究將焦點放在臺灣持有比例高且人民生活不可或缺的代步工具-機車上,期望透過分析傳統汽油機車以及兩種新型的綠能機車(鋰電池機車、氫燃料電池機車)的產業發展現況、產業未來的發展潛力以及該產業具備的競爭優勢等面向,分析出三種產業的優勢與劣勢,提供政府未來綠能機車的推動政策建議。
Over the past decades, the world has been highly depended on fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels have brought lots of negative effects to our living environment. In addition, in Taiwan, we lack of the ability to produce the fossil fuels on our own. As a result, it causes us huge amount of foreign exchange expenditure. In order to solve these problems, the government has implemented various policies to enhance environment protection and to facilitate sustainable development. For the transportation sector, the effectiveness of increasing the use of public transportation and decreasing the emission caused by stopping vehicles are very limited. Promoting the green energy transportation has been a well-recognized trend. Based on the manufacturing capability, this study focuses on the transportation mode, which has high holding rate in Taiwan, the scooter. This study intends to find out the most appropriate alternative of green energy scooter for Taiwan through the analysis of three types of scooter industry including the tradition combustion engine scooter, electric scooter powered by lithium battery and hydrogen fuel cell scooter. The analysis divides into several aspects, the development status of the industry, and the potential of the industry in the future, and the key advantage of the industries’ competitive. This study will conclude the advantages and the disadvantages of all three types of scooter industry. It is expected that this study will provide appropriate decision support to the government.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353608
Appears in Collections:Thesis