標題: | 地震災害防救措施之研究-以竹南鎮為例 The assessment of Earthquake disaster prevention - A case study in Chunan Town |
作者: | 許森榮 傅武雄 Shue,Sen-Jung Fu,Wu-Shung 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
關鍵字: | 地震;TELES;災害防救;earthquake;TELES;Disaster Prevention and Protection |
公開日期: | 2016 |
摘要: | 台灣為一海島型國家,四面環海,且身處環太平洋地震帶上,時常受到地震、颱風等天然災害的威脅。聯合國世界銀於行2005年出版的「災害高風險區評估報告」(Natural Disaster Hotspots:A Global Risk Analysis)中提到:「全球天然災害以旱災、水災、颱風(颶風)、地震、火山爆發、地滑等為主型態;台灣同時暴露於三項以上天然災害之土地面積與面臨災害威脅之人口均為73%,高居世界第一;台灣同時暴露於兩項以上天然災害之土地面積與面臨災害威脅之人口均為99%。」
研究結果顯示竹南鎮遭受地震災害時,存在救災救護人力不足、部份災害防救據點防震等級較薄弱、毒性化學物質災害潛在危險程度高等隱憂。研究中並對此提出相關建議,以作為地方政府研擬「減災」、「整備」、「應變」、「復原」等相關災害防救措施上之參考。 Taiwan is an island country, surrounded by the sea, and is located in the Circum-Pacific seismic zone. Therefore, it is often threatened by earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters. According to the United Nations World Bank published in 2005 in the line「Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis」, the global natural disasters are mostly consisted by droughts, floods, typhoons (hurricanes), earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, slippery and etc. Taiwan has tool the first place as more than 73% of population in Taiwan are threaten by more than three kind natural disasters. In addition to that, there is 99% of population in Taiwan under threaten by more than two kind of national disasters. This study has employed the "Taiwan earthquake damage assessment system (TELES)" to estimate the possible losses in Zhunan when the earthquake strikes Shitan-fault (depth of focus 10km, 6.8-magnitude on Richter scale) in Miaoli County. In addition, it analyzed and interpreted raw data that output from TELES system; and made suggestions to the Disaster Prevention and Protection in order to avoid causing secondary disasters. The results showed that Zhunan is suffering lack of resources such as Firemen and EMT when under earthquake attacks. Addition to that, there are also problems in shockproof in certain Disaster Prevention and Protection buildings, and potentially high risk in toxic chemicals disaster. Finally, this study made suggestions for local administration as reference to draft a plan to cover aspects of "mitigation", "preparedness", " response ", and " recovery ". |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161005 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142284 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |