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dc.contributor.authorLuo, Liu-Dianen_US
dc.description.abstract石化工業所使用的原料多具有可燃性、爆炸性、有毒性、腐蝕性等危害特性,一旦發生災害,無論是火災、爆炸及毒化災,皆可能導致嚴重的人命死傷及財產損失,如103年7月31日高雄發生石化管路洩氣大爆炸事件,造成緊急應變人員(警消人員及毒化災處理人員)數十人死傷,由此可知石化工業火災或爆炸的高危險性。 本研究經由相關文獻探討、專家訪談與問卷調查,分析歸納出進行石化工廠火災搶救時產生之風險、面臨之問題及應改進之方向,並依據研究架構,從消防人員背景分成「石化廠之基本認知」、「搶救石化廠火災使用之車輛、裝備及器材」、「石化廠火災之危害風險」、「石化廠火災之搶救訓練」等面向深入探討,針對臺灣之大型石化工廠於發生火災時第一梯次派遣搶救之消防人員進行問卷調查,並透過電腦統計分析軟體SPSS進行資料處理與分析。 結果顯示在風險因子的調查中,超過60%消防人員認為應加強石化廠化學物質之安全資料標示及消防面具上的濾毒罐顏色會在搶救時造成困擾;另有超過85%的消防人員認為應先確知災害類型方可進行搶救。在災害搶救訓練的調查中,超過70%消防人員認同消防機關應成立專責化學災害應變消防隊,以利化學災害事故搶救及應變之處置;另有超過75%消防人員認同應加強化學物質種類或產業類內容或課程,並應定期與毒災應變隊、國軍災害處理部隊進行研討交流。在強化石化廠搶救能力的調查中,有超過80%消防人員認同石化廠應建置符合需求之災害搶救標準作業流程,並定期辦理工作人員演練。最後,提出5項建議:(1)定期舉辦化學災害搶救訓練及複訓,(2)鄰近化工廠之分隊應優先配置化學災害處理車,(3)成立專責化學災害應變消防隊,(4)建置石化廠災害資料庫,及(5)修正救災安全手冊第十六章「搶救化學工廠火災安全指導原則」內之安全注意事項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRaw materials used in petrochemical industrial mostly have hazardous characteristics, i.e. flammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive, once disaster occurred, regardless of fire, explosion and the toxic chemical disaster, it may led to heavy lives casualties and property loss, such as major explosion incident resulted from petrochemical pipeline leakage happened in Kaohsiung, 31 July 2014. In this case, even dozens of emergency responder casualties occurred, including policemen, firefighters and the chemical disaster processing personnel, so petrochemical industry is well known for high risk of fire or explosion. In this study via the literature review, expert’s interview and questionnaire survey, the derived risk, faced problem, and improved direction during fire rescue for petrochemical plant were analyzed and obtained. Then, according to research schema and based on fire fighter’s background, aspects of "basic understanding of petrochemical factory", "vehicles, equipment and accessories used for petrochemical plant fire rescue", and "hazardous risk of petrochemical factory fire", and "fire rescue training of petrochemical plant" were investigated in depth. It was focused on the firefighters in first dispatch to rescue in case of fire of Taiwan's large petrochemical plant to conduct a questionnaire survey, and then to conduct data processing and analysis through statistical computer software, SPSS. Results of the risk factor survey showed there were over 60% of firefighters deem it necessary to strengthen the safety data indication of chemical in petrochemical plant and worry about that the color of canisters on fire mask would cause problems while in rescue action; and over 85% of firefighters believed it should first ascertain what type of the disaster hazards before rescue action. In disaster rescue training survey, it showed over 70% of firefighters agree that the task-force chemical disaster response team in fire brigade should be established to tackle the treatment on rescue and response of chemical disaster accident; and over 75% of firefighters agree that the tuition of training course on the types of chemicals or industries should be enhanced, and should regularly have the discussion and information exchange with toxic chemicals disaster response team and military disaster processing troop. As for survey on increasing the ability of rescue of petrochemical plants, more than 80% of firefighters agree that petrochemical plant should establish the standard operating procedures of disaster rescue to meet the demand, and have the regular exercises for staff. Finally, five suggestions were proposed as follows: (1) The training and the re-training on chemical disaster rescue should be regularly held; (2) The chemical disaster processing vehicle should be disposed in priority for the fire brigade near the petrochemical plant; (3) The fire brigade with specific responsibility of chemical disaster response should be established; (4) The petrochemical plant disaster database should be established; and (5) To amend the safety notices of “Chapter 16- Safety guidelines to rescue chemical plant fire” within Disaster Rescue Safety Manual.en_US
dc.subjectpetrochemical planten_US
dc.subjectfire fighting and rescueen_US
dc.subjectfire risken_US
dc.titleInvestigative Study of Risk Factors and Improvement Strategies of Firefighters’ Rescue Operation for Petrochemical Plant in Miaoli Countyen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis