Title: 體驗經濟下的產業轉型–以旅遊電商KKday為例
Industrial Restructuring under Experience Economy-A Case Study of Travel Ecommerce Platform, KKday
Authors: 呂維苓
Lu, Wei Lin
Huang, Shihping Kevin
Keywords: 體驗經濟;電子商務;商業模式;電子商務平台;Experience Economy;e-commerce;business model;e-commerce platform
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 摘要 體驗經濟在1998 年由B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore (1998) 提出,他們引用許多實際的範例證明在體驗經濟下的企業可得到更高的價值。在台灣, 有許多企業仍停留在以服務獲取利潤的階段,而非體驗。如果有更多的企業投入體驗經濟,或許能刺激台灣經濟,同時也能為顧客帶來更高的價值。本研究是以電子商務旅遊平台 KKday 為個案, 該公司是以體驗經濟為概念而設立。研究目的是希望透過了解該個案的成功要因,讓更多想投入體驗經濟的企業作為參考。研究方法是採用實地觀察與訪問。研究結果顯示與顧客的連結和顧客參與在KKday 的商業模式中扮演重要的角色。分析該個案後,KKday 的成功要因為下列幾項因素 (1) 成為市場的先驅者 (2) 在初期就鎖定國際市場 (3) 設計簡單易用的操 作介面給顧客與合作者 (4) 任用專業人才 (5) 著重內容行銷。
Abstract The Experience Economy was carried out by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore (1998). They mention many real cases that the enterprises under the Experience Economy are value added. In Taiwan, most of the enterprises still provide services,instead of experiences to earn profits. If more enterprises can join experience economy,it may help to boost Taiwan's economy, meanwhile providing higher value to customers. This case study is about KKday, a travel e-commerce platform with Experience Economy concept. The purpose of this study is to understand the key success factors of KKday, which can be referred to the other enterprises that also want to join theExperience Economy. The field study methodology and interviewing methodology are used in this paper. The results of this study showed that the connection and the participation playing important roles in the business model of KKday. To conclude after analyzed this case, the key success factors of KKday are (1) To be the pioneer in the market (2) To aim to the global market at the beginning (3) To design user-friendly interface for customers and partners (4) To hire professionals (5) To focus on content marketing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353013
Appears in Collections:畢業論文