Title: 電子商務營運模式之研究分析
E-commerce business model development analysis
Authors: 張國勇
Yuan, Benjamin
Huang, Shihping- Kevin
Keywords: 電子商務;電子商務模式;B2B2C;E-Commerce;E-commerce business model;B2B2C
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 隨著網路科技進步,使得電子商務蓬勃發展,也改變傳統交易模式。而行動裝置的出現,如平板電腦、智慧型手機等,讓消費者購物不再受時間、地點的限制,網路社群讓電子商務發展更加寬廣。電子商務的應用領域擴大,服務訊息快速,商業模式不斷創新,讓企業可以接觸到更多顧客。藉著上述電子商務的各種發展優勢下,企業不但可以降低存貨成本,也增加營運銷貨利益。 但電子商務營運模式仍有許多交易風險:1.商品品質參差不齊。如仿冒、盜版商品充斥。2.詐騙問題。雖有會員信用評等、身分認證,仍然會發生詐騙情形。如賣家失蹤、商品與實物明顯不同。3.商品通路。如賣家處理商品速度緩慢。4.消費者個資問題。如消費者個資遭竊後,轉賣詐騙集團作為行騙等問題。這些交易風險的受害者都是消費者。 另外大型網通商資金取得容易,提供創新、差異化且高品質商品;相較於小規模網通商而言,價格沒有競爭優勢,訂單不易獲取,難以建立客戶的忠誠度。根據大陸專家表示,將近八成以上的網通商都不賺錢,可見現今的電子商務營運模式仍存在許多風險問題。 本研究先從了解電子商務營運模式的競爭優勢、未來市場趨勢及社群網路與消費關係之趨勢著手,以消費者角度思考,經由個案研究、訪談等方式收集資料與分析,建立創新營運模式。本研究提出互聯網消費加盟電子商務營運概念,透過此營運模式讓企業與消費者皆可獲利。
Along with the development of network technique, it has made e-commerce to flourish, and changed the traditional trading patterns accordingly. The emergence of mobile devices, such as tablet computers, smart phones etc., let consumer shopping is no longer limited by time, place, and on-line community also enhanced the e-commerce development more broadly. While the application of e-commerce expanding, service information being collected easily, the innovation of new e-commerce business models being created continuously, businesses can reach more customers. Thanks to these advantages in e-commerce operation, businesses can lower the cost of inventory and get more profit in trading. Meanwhile there are many trading risks in e-commerce operation: 1. Varies of merchandise quality. Fake and piracy are full of. 2. Fraud issue. Although the member's credit rating and personality have been certificated, fraud cases still occur. Sellers disappeared, or received goods did not meet the specification. 3. Logistic issue. It is late to receive the goods due to poor logistic. 4. Confidential information of consumer. If the confidential information of consumer was stolen and sold, it will be a tool for swindler group to execute fraud activities. The only sufferer of such all trading risks is consumer.   Besides, the larger Web shops can get trading funds easily, and it will be helpful to create new, differentiated and high quality products compared to the smaller Web shops. The smaller Web shops should face the disadvantages in price and potential orders competition, even hard to get the customer loyalty. According to the studies by China experts, more than 80% Web shops cannot get profit during trading. This is another risk for today's e-commerce business model. The first step of our study is to understand the competition advantages of e-commerce business models, the trend of future markets and the relationship between social networking and consumers. Then we progress the case studies, interviews, data collection and analysis from the perspective of consumer. Finally we deliver an innovative e-commerce business model, called Internet Consumer Alliance e-commerce model which meets the profit recommendations for consumers and businesses. Through the operation of this innovative e-commerce business model, it could benefit for both businesses and consumers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352822
Appears in Collections:Thesis