標題: 台灣中小型 IC 設計公司 穩健成長永續經營競爭策略之研究-以M公司為例
The Competitive Strategies of Growth Steadily and Sustainable Development for Small and Medium Size IC Design Company in Taiwan - a case Study of M Company
作者: 洪仙玲
Hong, Hsien-Ling
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 微控制器;經營策略;競爭策略;IC 設計公司;MCU;Business Strategy;Competitive Strategy;IC Design Company
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究主要採取個案研究法,以成長策略思考為出發點,來探討台灣地區 IC 設計公司成長發展之研究。 研究中我們討論台灣中小型 IC 設計公司面對台灣大型 IC 設計公司的內部競爭壓力, 與中國大陸 IC 設計產業急起直追及紅色供應鏈的外部競爭壓力之下,如何運用自身優勢,突破當前的窘境,找到有利的發展與定位,進而擬定最佳的競爭策略,即時掌握與創造機會,達成台灣中小型 IC 設計公司之穩健成長與永續經營。 此外,本研究將以個案研究探討 M 公司,以自省思考在快速又競爭之外部環境下, 如何從本身技術領域及現有資源發展出獨特的核心能力,制定出適當之持續性競爭優勢策略,找尋突破困境之機會.並經由個案M公司發展過程作為實例進行探討,提供更實務之例證與分析。 希冀藉由個案分析與探討,提供經營策略參考,期待 M 公司能在未來再創另一個事業的高峰,也期許台灣中小型 IC 設計公司在面對內憂外患的同時也能夠穩定成長且永續經營。
This study aims to explore the growth strategy of the Taiwanese IC design company by undertaking the case study. Specifically, this study discusses how Taiwanese small and medium sized IC design companies make use of their own advantages to find a favorable position and develop the best competitive strategy to create opportunities, the steady growth and sustainable development, as facing the external pressure of catching-up competition by China IC design industry (i.e., so-called the “red supply chain “) and internal competition of major Taiwanese IC design companies. In addition, this study will investigate the case of “M” company to see how the focal company makes use of its own resources and technological capabilities to develop a unique core competence and sustainable competitive advantage strategy in the externally changing and competitive environment. Through such the case analysis, the current study provides a practical example of the company development process to make corporate managers to find their own position to survive and grow. Hopefully this study will evoke and create new thinking and strategy to the company.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363044