Title: 流離在領土內、飄蕩在領土外?泰緬邊境克倫難民民族運動的空間爭奪
Authors: 趙中麒
Keywords: 難民;民族主義;空間爭奪;默會共識;非領土性領地;Refugee;Nationalist Movement;Spatial Struggle;Tacit Consensus;Non-territorial Territory
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2014
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 就物理而言,民族領土是一個客觀存在的空間,在其中,我們可以發現民族社群的所有活動。當某個民族社群成員在特定空間內代代進行各種文化、經濟與政治活動時,這些活動就與該空間共同形塑了該民族社群的集體記憶與生命經驗。為了讓此世界能不受干擾地維持,民族社群需要透過某些政治行動將此空間「領土化」。由於沒有那麼多的物理空間可讓每一個民族社群都能擁有此一獨特又具有詩意的領土。因此,歷史總是目擊兩個或數個民族社群透過民族主義爭奪某一特定空間。如果兩個敵對的社群同時宣稱他們擁有某塊土地,並透過武裝行動爭奪該空間,無可避免會引發大規模難民潮,而此種爭奪行動,不會因為民族社群成員淪為難民而結束,緬甸克倫難民即是一例。克倫族與緬族,由於對其民族空間的不同認知與期待,乃各自發動武裝民族運動,以控制他們所認為的領土。經過60年內戰,數十萬人流離失所,但克倫族的民族運動並未因此停止,甚至仍在難民營內進行著。由於克倫族在某方面得以自我管理難民營事務,使難民營轉變為非領土性領地,讓克倫難民不再是純粹的無根難民,相反地,由於此一非領土性領地,他們以流離失所的民族此一狀態存在於泰緬邊境。
A space, physically, is an arena where battles, rituals and ceremonies, the essential economic activities, and daily interactions take place within. However, when rituals, ceremonies, and activities are practiced for generations by a national community within the space, it slowly transforms into a landscape with meanings, a landscape unique to a nation. Nevertheless, there are not enough "rooms" physically available for all national communities. History thus has witnessed many instances where two or more communities simultaneously claim the same plot of land as theirs. Consequently, national space has always been a site of contestation for political controls. If the conflicting claims cannot be solved, rival communities often resort to armed contestation in the name of nationalism, and such contestations frequently result in displacement. The Karen and the Burman, due to different understandings of history and expectations of their national spaces, have each launched their respective nationalist movements. However, the nationalist movement does not end with the flow of refugees crossing the national border into the other country. Rather, the nationalist movement usually extends to the country receiving refugees. Karen people's nationalism also exists in refugee camps and leads to the transformation of refugee camps into a Karen non-territorial territory that turns the Karen people into a recognizable displaced nation as opposed to a group of rootless refugees.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201409_(19).0014
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201409_(19).0014
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 19
Begin Page: 251
End Page: 290
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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