標題: A new algorithm for 5-band Toeplitz matrix inversion with application to GCV smoothing spline computation
作者: Shiau, JJH
Institute of Statistics
關鍵字: band matrix;Toeplitz matrix;efficient algorithms;smoothing splines;generalized cross validation;divided difference
公開日期: 15-Dec-1999
摘要: A new algorithm is developed for computing any entry of the inverse of a 5-band Toeplitz matrix. After a linear-time overhead, each entry can be computed in constant time. As an application of this algorithm, we present a way to compute the generalized cross validated smoothing spline in linear time for the equally spaced data case. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/30902
ISSN: 0167-7152
Volume: 45
Issue: 4
起始頁: 317
結束頁: 324
Appears in Collections:Articles

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