標題: 國內營造業經營現況與統包相關議題之研究
The Survey of the Current Operation Status and Issues about Design-Build of the Construction Industry in Taiwan
作者: 林聖堯
Sheng-Yau Lin
Hsyh-Chang Haung
關鍵字: 營造廠;統包;統包成功因子;construction Enterprises;Design-Build;Design-Build project success factors
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 近年來的營建產業,隨著工程建設日趨龐大與複雜化,傳統採購模式的績效表現已不能滿足業主所需;許多研究皆指出統包方式具備有縮短工期、降低成本、提升品質等多方面之優點,故推行統包制度已然成為國際發展趨勢。然而統包制度雖好,其對統包專案成員之要求亦相對提高,因此評估專案是否適合統包制度,以及如何成功執行統包遂成為新議題。 本研究以營建署登錄之全國營造業家數統計資料其中之300家甲級綜合營造廠為對象,進行問卷調查,經由回收之53份有效樣本做資料整理與統計分析後,首先呈現整體研究結果,再依樣本之資本額、分佈地區、和成立年數將母體分為子群體,並與各議題作交叉比較;最後再與過去相關研究之資料進行比較分析。 根據受訪廠商提供之資料,本研究歸納有以下推論:一、至民國九十六年,國內營造業之經營狀況屬於良好,景氣呈現回升狀態;經由資料交叉分析,發現以北部地區、大型廠商或資深廠商為獲利較佳,且對未來景氣看法較樂觀之群體。二、統包對受訪廠商而言是熟悉的,也認同其為一能改善傳統採購模式缺失之制度,但廠商對統包制度之參與意願並不隨之提高,且亦不看好統包制度之未來發展;影響參與意願之理由,主要為營建原物料價格波動導致風險提高,以及缺乏公正公平公開之選商機制。三、來自甲方(業主或使用者)之限制或約束被評估為影響公共統包工程成功與否之最重要因子,同時亦可能為影響工期管理績效之主因,而專案團隊工作對預算管理績效影響最大。
The construction industry in recent years, with construction is becoming huger and complicated, the performance of traditional procurement can’t meet proprietor’s requirement any more; a lot of research point out that “Design-Build” has lots of advantages such as shortening construction schedule, cost down and improving quality…so it is becoming obvious that Design-Build delivery method is gradually replacing traditional contracts for in many countries. There are many advantages of Design-Build, however, the project participants’ professional abilities are also being asked more qualified. So how the project participants estimates and is suitable for the Design-Build and then execute Design-Build successful will become new subject of discussion. This survey aimed at 300 Comprehensive Construction Enterprises with A-grade which have been registered at the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior. The method of this survey is questionnaire inquiry and 53 effective questionnaires were received. After disposed and analyzed the information, first of all, the result of research is appeared, then according the capital, distribution, and the year of established separated the subgroup from population then cross match with all of the subject, finally cross match and compare with relative information of past research. According the information provided by respondents, this research can conclude the following inferences: First, the management state of constructors in recent years is going well, the business is booming. After cross match the information, we could find that contractors which are the bigger, senior, or in the north area reap profits better and the opinion of future are more bullish. Second, respondent constructors are familiar with Design-Build and also agree with it can improve the disadvantages of traditionally contracting but their will are not strong and don’t expect Design-Build has good future vision. The main reasons of the conclusions above are the raising risk caused by increasing cost of construction meterials and lacking of equitable, fairly and public appraisal mechanism. Third, the limit or restraint from project clients (proprietor or user) are estimated the most important factor to sink or swim of public Design-Build projects; meanwhile, it also could be the main factor of performance of construction schedule management. The bigger influence is “project team-work” which affects the performance of budget management.


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