標題: 捷運車站人行系統模擬模式之建立
Using eM-Plant Package to Build Simulation Model for Pedestrian System in MRT Station
作者: 謝育錚
Yu-Cheng Hsieh
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 系統模擬;捷運車站;人行系統;System Simulation;MRT Station;Pedestrian System
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 捷運車站係捷運系統中服務旅客最重要空間,根據資料顯示,台北捷運系統在2008年5月平均一天的進站旅客量高達120萬人次。過去捷運車站之規劃設計多依循靜態之工程規劃做設計,但捷運車站人流系統動線相當多且複雜,不應只依靜態規範做設計,應加入動態模擬分析才能找出各種動線之相互關係。回顧過去國內外文獻可發現與捷運車站人行系統模擬相關之文獻相當缺乏,因此本研究將透過eM-Plant 7.0軟體進行模式構建,以具體方式表達捷運車站內各項設施設備之配置。將實際捷運車站中之人流系統設施配置,透過節點與節線的概念,搭配軟體中符合之各節點特性之物件,構建出捷運車站人行系統模擬模式。本研究所構建之模式範圍包含捷運車站進出口以內之部分,將不包含站外轉乘及人行系統。

本研究以台北捷運公司高運量系統中之市政府站做為模擬模式構建案例,針對捷運車站人行系統做一詳細說明及定義,模擬模式之建立將構建在上述基礎中,說明如何透過eM-Plant 7.0構建捷運車站人行系統之程序、參數蒐集、物件及參數設定方式。由於設定模擬模式需要投入相當多之參數,參數之取得是否完整及正確,對於模擬模式之成功與否相當重要。模擬模式構建完成後,可針對不同情境做設定,透過模擬觀察在特殊狀況下捷運車站人行系統之運作情形。
The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station is the most important space of passenger. According to the data , The Taipei MRT means one day-long to enter the station the passenger quantity in 2008 May to reach as high as 120 ten thousand people . In the past , the design of MRT station was usually rely on project of static standard , but pedestrian system in MRT Station has many walking path and quiet complex . Should not only depend on the static standard to make the design, should join the dynamic simulation analysis to be able to discover each kind reciprocity of walking path. However, studies about simulation of pedestrian system in MRT station are not well developed until now. For above-mentioned , the research will penetrate eM-Plant 7.0 to construct the simulate pattern . According to the Link and Node concept and actual pedestrian system of MRT station facility position, conjugate the workstation of eM-Plant 7.0, to construct the simulation model of pedestrian system of MRT station. The pattern scope only contains the inside of station exit , does not contain the outside of station.

In this study, we adopt Taipei City Hall Station , the station of Taipei MRT, to be the simulation example. The simulation model will constructed by the detail illustration and definition of pedestrian system in MRT system. We will illustrate the process how to use eM-Plant 7.0 to construct the simulation model, and other correlation, such as parameter collection, the setting of workstation and parameters. Owing to the setting of simulation model needs a lot of parameters, the parameter collection must be completed and accurately, it will be important to construct the simulation model. After accomplished the construction of the simulation model, we can set many kind of situations in the simulation model, to observe the operation of pedestrian system in MRT station.


  1. 652901.pdf

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