Title: 半導體測試設備供應商於測試代工產業中之競爭策略研究–以V公司之射頻測試系統為例
A study on semiconductor automatic test equipment competition strategy of testing industry – A case study of V-Company RF test system
Authors: 劉經彥
Liu, Ching-yan
Chen, Quang-hwa
Keywords: 半導體;測試設備;競爭策略;SWOT;Semicon;RF;competition strategy;tester
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 這三十年來,半導體產業無疑地是全球的顯學。這個產業提供了莫大的商機以及衍生出許許多新興的商業模式及新產業。測試是在專業代工模式確立之後,衍生出來的一段半導體產業鏈當中把關的角色。 然而隨著半導體產業的成長日趨消費性電子化,降低成本考量導致整段供應鏈的價值被壓擠,必須找出更有效率的生產方式。測試居半導體供應鏈末端,附加價值較低,但又為不可缺之必要之惡。測試業者無不以找出低價、產品生命週期長之測試平台來對應轉變劇烈之環境。於是測試設備商的產品,價格競爭愈趨激烈, 本論文嘗試以SWOT分析手法,透過個案研究及訪談之方式,針對總體、核心及競爭分析,來找出以個案V公司為例之半導體測試設備商等在測試產業中的定位,新射頻套件相對應的射頻測試領域,以及找出其可使用的競爭策略。 最後,本研究歸納整理出結論為V公司的競爭策略,及建議該公司之發展方向。並期望本文可供其他新產品進入新特定市場時之參考用。
During the past 30 years, the Semicon industry is the hottest topic over the world undoubtedly. In the industry, it provides a huge business opportunity and comes out many new business model and new sub-industry. Testing plays a role as a gate keeper after coming after the foundry business came true. However, with the development trend of Semicon industry tends towards electric consumer product. “Cost down” oriented leads to the value of whole supply chain shrunk. They have to figure out a more effective mass production solution. Testing is the final stage of Semicon supply chain, the add-on value could be lower, but it is a necessary evil and cannot be skipped. So, all the testing houses try to find out a low cost and long life cycle test platform to fulfill the market change. Therefore, the tester vendors’ product competitions become more and more serious in price. The objective of this thesis is with SWOT to figure out V-company’s position among the market and their new RF option to their owned RF segment, and also coming out the doable competition strategies by information collect, interview with questionnaire. Moreover, the thesis comes out some recommendations to V company for the future development. And hoped this study can be also a reference for other companies to the new product entering into a new specific market segment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis