標題: 便利商店市場領導廠商競爭策略-以台灣7-ELEVEN為例
Analysis Of The Competitive Strategies Of Convenience Store Market leaders -- Based On Strategies Employed By 7-ELEVEN
作者: 李坤明
關鍵字: 便利商店;市場領導者;虛擬商品;Convenience Store;Market Leader;Virtual Goods
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 便利商店產業隨著門市密度的增加,雖然帶給消費者更多的便利,但對於業者來說,則代表更激烈的競爭。以近幾年的營業額與展店數來看,這兩年的成長都是呈現趨緩的狀況,自2005年起,就連前五大業者也並非都是獲利的狀態,甚至在2007年,前兩大業者營收雖然仍較2006年成長,但獲利方面也已出現衰退。由此可見,便利商店整體產業環境已經邁入成熟期。 在門市密度過高的現在,門市數的增加,不見得會帶來營收的成長,特別是當便利商店在實體商品方面,所能提供的差異性較少,消費者容易就近或依據促銷方案來選購商品,因此,便利商店業者除持續開發、引進新商品外,也不斷推出虛擬商品與服務,藉由這些服務來營造通路的差異性,甚至突破門市面積限制,在門市銷售非實體商品,以增加營收。 7-ELEVEN無論在門市數、營業額、新商品的引進或是行銷策略上,都是便利商店產業長期以來的領導者,其所開發的虛擬商品與服務,例如代收、e-service,不僅成為其他規模較大的業者必定提供的服務項目,也為自己帶來很高的 收益。無論是代收、e-service、ibon或是剛成立的台灣樂天市場,7-ELEVEN總是不斷善用既有的資源,運用創意來提供消費者更新更好的服務。 本研究透過個案研究,先對於便利商店產業以及個案公司的了解,進而討論產業中領導廠商的可能作為以及7-ELEVEN長久以來的競爭策略,並依據個案公司在各階段所開發的虛擬商品與服務,來對於7-ELEVEN未來如何與虛擬通路結合提出預測並給予建議。
For customers, the increasing of convenience store (CVS) density gives them more convenience in shopping. But for the convenience store enterprises, it means more fierce competition. According to the sales and the number of new-open store, the growth rate is getting slow down. From the year of 2005, even the top five companies are not all making profits. In 2007, although the top two companies still had growing earnings, their profit was also declined. Therefore, the CVS industry is in the matured stage. With the high store-intensity, the increase of the store number doesn’t mean the growth of profit, especially when CVS provides physical products with less difference. Customers like to purchase stuff in near place or discount place. Hence, the CVS enterprises continue to develop or recommend new physical products and virtual goods and services in order to make difference and make profit. Whether in store-numbers、sales、new product recommended or marketing strategy, 7-ELEVEN is always the market leader in the CVS industry. The virtual goods and services that it introduced has become other competitors’ essential service and also make huge profit for itself. 7-ELEVEN always use their enterprise resource well with creativity to provide the services to customers, including payment-assignee、e-service、ibon and the newly established company “Taiwan Rakuten Ichiba,Inc”. This study started with the understanding of the background among CVS industry and the target company by case-study method, and then discussed the marketing strategies of the market leader and the target company. In the end, based on the virtual goods and services developed in various stages, this study gave some advices to 7-ELEVEN and made prediction of the cooperation between 7-ELEVEN and virtual channels.