標題: 網路虛擬實境中的設計溝通行為研究
A Study of Design Communication Behavior in the Metaverse
作者: 許宏賓
Hsu, Hung-Pin
Liu, Yu-Tung
Hou, June-Hao
關鍵字: 網路虛擬實境;設計溝通;合作式設計;口語分析;Metaverse;design communication;cooperative design;protocol analysis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 網路虛擬實境中是近年新興的設計媒材與溝通媒介,由於其提供整合性的設計與溝通環境,讓設計者得以在網路虛擬實境中進行合作式設計活動,面對此新型態的設計環境,本研究主要探討是其中的設計者進行合作式設計活動時,在自身與多人溝通的行為研究。本研究之研究方法分為兩個步驟,步驟一是分別在三種不同的設計溝通環境中進行認知實驗:一般當面環境、一般遠距環境、網路虛擬實境等,以比較出網路虛擬實境與一般設計溝通環境間的差異;步驟二則是進行實驗結果的口語編碼與分析。研究結果顯示,設計者於網路虛擬實境中更重視設計初期的概念發想與討論,同時也產生出與一般設計溝通環境所不同的設計方法與習慣。本研究之結果期望能提供研究導向的網路虛擬實境中設計與溝通知識,以及實務導向的網路虛擬實境之環境開發與使用知識。
Metaverse is a new type of design and communicative media in recent years. This media provide a integrated design and communcation environment to let designers could coorperated with each other. Face to this new type of design environment, this research focus on the behavoir of self and multipersonal communication of designers for collaborative design actions. The research consists of two stages. At the stage one, the author executed three experiments in different kinds of design environments, which are normal face-to-face environment, normal distance environment and Metaverse. To find out the design and communication phenomena in the Metaverse by comparing with the normal design environment. At stage two, the author analyzed the retrospective data of three experiments by transcription, segment, and encoding. The results show that designers in the Metaverse attached great importance to generate ideas and discuss with each other in the initial design process. Moreover, they have different design and communicative methods and behaviors with normal design environment. The findings may provide that the knowledge of design and communication behavior in the Metaverse for research and environment development.


  1. 752301.pdf
  2. 752302.pdf

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