標題: 網路管理系統規劃與開發之研究
A Study of Developing a Network Management System
作者: 邱正茂
Chiou, Cheng-Mau
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 網路管理系統;ISO五大管理需求;Network Management;ISO requirement
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 網路已經成為企業界在營運上不可或缺的一部分,而網路的複雜化業讓網路管理系統也成為企業界的重要管理工具之一。另一方面,個案公司原以提供網路硬體為主,有鑑於越來越多的網路設備廠的加入,面對競爭及為了提升產品價值,因此透過本研究來達成網路管理系統軟體的規劃。本研究藉由對網路管理的需求探討以及了解各種標準通訊協定來規劃開發出一套切合企業所需的網路管理系統。本研究先分析ISO所訂定的五大管理需求:配置管理、故障管理、效能管理、安全管理及帳務管理所定義的需求,再透過目前市場上存在的管理模式及各種標準化的通訊協定的研究來訂定軟體的功能規格。由於個案公司並無純軟體的產品,因此亦透過本研究建立一個軟體開發及測試的運作模式,以期建立穩定可靠的軟體系統,進而提升硬體產品的附加價值與整體營業額。
Network devices have become an indispensable part in the business operation, while the increasing feature of network device has increased the complexity of the network operation & administration dramatically. Hence, network management system has become an important tool to manage and monitor the network.
The case company originally provides networking hardware-based products only. There are more and more competitors join the market. Accordingly the case company plans and deploys a network management system in order to face the competition as well as increase the product value.
This research studies the demands of network management and surveys a variety of protocol standards to develop a network management system. First, this study analyzes five set of ISO management requirements: configuration management, fault management, performance management, security management and accounting management. Then, this study investigates the management model and various standardized protocols to come out the functional specifications.
Since there is no pure software product in the past time for the case company, so this study establishes a software development and testing procedures. That leads to deliver a stable and reliable software system. The developed Network Management System has enhanced add on value of hardware products and help to increase the total revenue.
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