標題: 以TRIZ探討家庭自動化技術發展之趨勢
Study on Development Trend of Home Automation Technologies with TRIZ
作者: 蘇乃顯
關鍵字: 家庭自動化;TRIZ;矛盾矩陣;76標準解法;home automation;TRIZ;contradiction matrix;seventy-six standard solutions
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著科技發展,自動化科技不斷融入我們的生活領域之中,提供人們更舒適、高效率的生活環境。繼許多未來數位生活探討研究之後,本研究希望針對家庭自動化(數位生活最基本的實現平台)探討其未來實現之技術需求分析。 本研究目的在透過TRIZ理論的系統性分析,探討家庭自動化所面臨的種種議題,進而分析其問題之系統性矛盾關係。透過矛盾關係分析,藉由TRIZ所提供的「矛盾矩陣」與「76標準解法」過濾未來解決這些家庭自動化議題的可能發展方向。 經過整理分析本研究將家庭自動化的技術影響因素歸類為「操作環境效率」、「網路裝設與維護」、「網路安全與隱私」等問題。依循TRIZ之創新法則與標準解法提供之解題方向,本研究分析各影響因素的解決方案特徵後認為各子問題之發展趨勢為: 操作環境效率: 1. 以隨身遙控器作為自動化系統的操作媒介, 2. 小型化的隨身遙控器需求, 3. 多樣性的輸入媒介。 網路裝設與維護: 1. 多子網環境, 2. 中繼器或協定轉換器的需求, 3. 多頻道無線通訊需求, 4. 自外部取得專業服務。 網路安全與隱私: 1. 輕型安全閘道器, 2. 分散式的安全管制機制, 3. 使用PKI或安全辨識碼, 4. 自動網路使用模式學習與調整。
Automation technologies are changing our domestic environments that provide people more comfortable and more efficient daily life. Continuing some studies regarding future digital life, this research analyzes technology development trend of home automation, which is a major implementation platform of digital life. This research studies factors that limit applications of home automation systems. Systematic analysis methods provided by TRIZ are used to formulate the key factors into generic TRIZ problems, and then some generic solutions are derived with the TRIZ process. With the generic solutions, analogy process is taken to map the generic solutions into real solutions that can show us trend of home automation technologies. After study of the home automation issues, the research classifies the factors that limit use of home automation into three groups: “Efficiency of operational environments”, “Degree of ease of installation and maintenance”, and “Network security for privacy”. The “Efficiency of operational environments” is analyzed with the Su-field model, while “Degree of ease of installation and maintenance” and “Network security for privacy” are analyzed with the contradiction matrix. The patterns of the solutions derived from the TRIZ process conduct us to see the trend of home automation technologies as following. Efficiency of operational environments: 1. use of portable remote controllers as human-machine interface, 2. miniaturization of remote controllers, 3. demand of more input media. Degree of ease of installation and maintenance: 1. home networks compounding multiple sub-networks, 2. interconnection of sub-networks with repeaters or protocol converts, 3. demand of multiple wireless channel communication, 4. demand of professional technical services. Network security for privacy: 1. lightweight security gateway between internal and external networks, 2. distributed network security system, 3. use of PKI and digital identifier for authentication, 4. self-learning defense systems.


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