DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Pei-Hsienen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, San-Yuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Shang-Jyhen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著網路日漸發達,電子商務已經成為你我生活不可或缺之消費型態;對於嶄新之各項交易態樣,我們更應敞開心胸,檢視既有制度,是否能在時代替換中,繼續發揮其功能與價值。 7天反悔期,相信對於所有曾經從事網路交易者而言,是一項十分熟悉的規範。郵購買賣之消費者依規定,於收受商品或服務後7天內,得不附理由解除契約,並請求全額退費;此乃消費者保護法第19條考量郵購買賣中之消費者,於訂定契約前,未能檢視商品,僅憑企業經營者單方提供之資訊為是否締約之決定,為免實際收受商品後,發現商品狀況與企業經營者提供之資訊,相差太大,特予消費者於收受商品後,再次決定是否解除契約之權利。 然此項7天反悔期規定,最初是依據典型的郵購買賣交易態樣所設立,對於今日多元發展之電子交易模式,是否均可一體適用,值得細細探究。 電子化商品與電子化服務,相較於傳統之實體商品,均是透過網際網路傳輸,更可以低成本、高效率、完全地大量複製,消費者得於請求解約退款後,輕易地保留一份複製商品,如此將造成消費者同時取得價金與履約利益之不公平現象,實非消費者保護法訂定反悔期規定之初衷。 此外,根據台灣網路資訊中心2010年「台灣寬頻網路使用調查狀況摘要分析」調查顯示,我國12歲以上從事上網活動之受訪者中,大約半數為線上遊戲之使用者;為了確保遊戲玩家的權益,並避免不必要紛爭的發生,線上遊戲主管機關「經濟部工業局」,特頒布「線上遊戲定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」,與「線上遊戲定型化契約範本」以為規範,顯見線上遊戲產業於數位內容中所佔地位,日益重要。依上述經濟部規範,遊戲玩家於遊戲開始後,或是購買遊戲套件、付費下載遊戲軟體後7日內,得不附理由請求解約退款。然今日線上遊戲交易態樣十分多元,遊戲玩家得透過實體或虛擬通路,購買點數、產品包、虛擬寶物,遊戲公司已非全然以銷售遊戲軟體為營業收入;前揭線上遊戲消費關係中,各項交易行為之法律定性為何?是否均可一體適用7天反悔期規定?適用結果又是否符合反悔期規定之立法目的?實應分別探討,始得知悉。 本文為此,即透過文獻分析,以及質性研究方式,試圖了解實務上線上遊戲產業之退費方式,進而提出一個可以兼顧消費者權益與產業發展之退費原則,以建置符合公平,又具有產業落實性之制度。 關鍵字:電子商務、7天反悔期、消費者保護、線上遊戲zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe evolution of the internet has been widespread around the world, and the electronic commerce brings a whole new consumption vision to all mankind. At this age, we have to open our mind to accept any kind of novel business models, and review or amend, if necessary, our existing rules and regulations at the same time. The cooling-off period is a period of time during which the purchaser shall have the right to return the goods for a refund, and cancel the agreement without penalty. People who ever have the on-line shopping experience will be acquainted with it very well. However, the cooling-off period provided in the Consumer Protection Act(“Act”) is initially for the traditional mail-or-telephone order sales, and here comes a question with the rapid development of electronic commerce: is the existing regulation related to the cooling-off period enough or proper for all kinds of transactions via internet, especially for the digital goods and the on-line service? Comparing to physical goods or service in the traditional transactions, digital goods and on-line service are only transmitted and provided via internet. Furthermore, the digital goods can be reproduced efficiently and completely at very low cost, so the purchaser can claim a refund during the cooling-off period and easily keep a back-up copy as well. It also happens to the on-line service that the purchaser can ask a refund according to the cooling-off period regulation even though he/she has accepted the service non-returnable before the cancellation of the agreement. In such event, the purchaser will obtain both of the refund and the digital goods or the interest of the service at the same time, and this unfair situation obviously is not why we set up the cooling-off period in the Act. Maybe it is the time when we need to re-consider if the existing regulation related to the cooling-off period has its limitation, or it is applicable for all kinds of on-lime shopping transactions. The on-line game industry grows very fast in the recent years and has built up many different kinds of business models, including the software licensing, the on-line service and the virtual property purchasing either via internet or through the physical stores such as the convenient store. In addition, its administrative authority, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Electronic Affairs, has announced the official standard form contract for the on-line game industry to protect the consumer rights and prevent disputes arising out of the game. According to such official standard form contract, no matter in which business models, the consumer has the rights to return the goods to or cancel the agreement with on-line game company for a refund without any cause within 7 days after the purchase or the start of the game. Nevertheless, after the cancellation, the consumer will get the refund and the entertainment interest of such agreement accepted before then. In order to prevent the non-fairness interferes with the development of the on-line game industry and all electronic commerce, this thesis, by reviewing the existing regulations and conducting a qualitative research to the on-line game industry, is trying to induct a new rule to balance the protection of consumer rights and the development of electronic commerce.en_US
dc.subjectelectronc commerceen_US
dc.subjectcooling-off perioden_US
dc.subjectconsumer protectionen_US
dc.subjecton-line gameen_US
dc.titleThe Cooling-off Period in the Standard Form Contracts of the On-line Game Industryen_US