DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorDu, Cheng-Dsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Yi-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract為邁向「永續經營」的長遠目標,海岸環境營造除了確保基本的防災功能外,更要避免海堤、消波塊等剛性構造物所造成的視覺破壞,應妥善利用海岸植栽配合景觀設計來改善海岸線環境景觀。本研究的目的是探討遊客對於海岸灘地植栽的普遍視覺感受程度以及偏好的景觀單元組成,首先,應用棲地品質評價程序(Habitat Evaluation Procedure,HEP)中建構棲地適宜性指數(Habitat Suitability Index,HSI)之概念,建立各植栽因子對視覺感受的滿意度指標(Satisfaction Index)並將各植栽滿意度指標建構成整體植栽美質滿意度指標(Beautiful Satisfaction Index), 而經驗證後顯示本研究所提出的植栽美質滿意度指標與實際調查的美質評分具有相當高的線性關係,藉由此定量關係,將可用來評估植栽美質以及訂定明確的綠化方法,以達到景觀營造的目的。 本研究另外將對以往景觀美質評估常用的多元迴歸分析與植栽美質滿意度指標比較,發現多元迴歸分析進行美質評估時,若主變項沒有極大值存在,美質評分將無法判斷高到什麼程度,且多元回歸分析不易處理非線性問題,這是使用多元迴歸分析的兩大困難;而植栽美質滿意度指標沒有上述問題,唯其計算過程較繁雜,且沒有明確的美質評分供參考,但仍具有監控植栽美質的功能。此外,本研究建立各植栽因子的美質滿意度指標能判定植栽因子的最適區間或最適值,因此只要能將複雜的美質因子量化,在景觀評估方面,BSI模式如迴歸分析法一樣,未來應具有發展的潛力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor the long- term goal of sustainable management, the coastal engineering is not only to ensure the basic disaster-prevention, but it should avoid visual destruction by utilized rigid structures such as breakwater and wave dissipating concrete blocks. However, the adequately use of coastal planting accompanied with landscape design does improve the landscape of coastal line. The purpose of this study was to explore the affection of beauty of planting to traveler’s visual perception, and to understand which of the landscape unit compositions do people in favorite of. We applied the concept of habitat suitability index in the Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP), and try to establish the satisfaction index of visual perception from planting factors, and derived the satisfaction index into Planting Beauty Satisfaction Index (PBSI). Simultaneously we set up and transfer all of the satisfaction planting factors into the PBSI. The result revealed that the value of PBSI and real beauty had positive linear relationship (r=0.8437), which in this study developed model did have the potential to evaluate the beauty of coastal planting and to schedule the explicit afforestation method, which could achieve the conformity of the landscape in building visual-perception goal. To compare the PBSI with multiple regression analysis, which was used in quantities of the past researches. We found that in the multiple regression analysis if the independent variable without extreme value, neither the dependent variable. Therefore, we couldn’t figure out the real degree of beauty it is. The multiple nonlinear regression analysis wasn’t calculated easily inborn. Although the PBSI couldn’t have a definite value to counterpart to the real beauty, the PBSI afforded a unique monitor method for the beauty of planting. Besides that the satisfaction index (SI) of the beauty factors could be used to judge the value of the most beauty of planting factors, so that the PBSI should have potential to develop to estimate of beauty of coastal planting as multiple regression analysis in future.en_US
dc.subjectcoastal plantingen_US
dc.subjectlandscape buildingen_US
dc.titleApplication of Habitat Suitability Index to estimate the beauty of coastal plantingen_US


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