標題: 自動化建構土木工程課程學習概念圖-以結構學為例
Auto-Constructing the Studying Concept Map for Subjects in Civil Engineering --A Case of Structral Analysis
作者: 王志銘
Wang, Chih-Ming
Hung, Shih-Lin
關鍵字: 概念圖;土木工程課程;工程教育;concept map;civil engineering course;engineering eduction
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 概念圖是一種知識表示法,能清楚呈現知識之間的關聯,教師能利用概念圖來設計課程的教材,也能利用概念圖了解學生對於課堂知識的理解程度,從1984年問世至今已被廣泛運用在眾多領域,無論是語文教育、科學教育、工業教育、商業教育等領域皆被證實有效。土木工程的課程彼此存在很多的關聯,學生學習時,特定單元不懂,原因很可能是出在更前面的相關章節尚未融會貫通,因此如果能藉由一套方法找出課程單元的關聯,勢必對土木工程的教學有莫大的幫助,因此本研究使用概念圖相關的學術期刊作為參考,往年學生考試的考卷為資料來源,發展概念圖自動化產生器,藉此來找出課程單元間的關聯,有些是已知的關聯,有些是未知的,而這些關聯能用來在學習者評量後給予適當的建議與幫助教學者教材上的改進。本研究分為以下步驟:(1)蒐集學生在結構學考試的考卷作為實際案例(2)架設概念圖產生系統(3)與專家討論並設計虛擬案例(4)將虛擬案例輸入系統測試準確性(5)將實際案例輸入系統測試其實用性。研究結果顯示,使用本概念圖產生器確實可以透過學生成績成功推導出結構學的概念圖。本研究的貢獻為將概念圖法引進土木教學裡,利用此系統產生的概念圖可以提供該領域的教學者一個教學內容改進的參考,也可以幫助學習者探索自己能力不足的地方。
Concept map is a methodology of knowledge representation and can be utilized to express the relationship between components of knowledge. Hence, teachers could employ the concept map to design their course materials and also to recognize how much the students’understanding of the course. From last two decades, the concept map has been extensively applied in many various domains, such as language, science, engineering, commerce, and other eduction domains. Courses for Civil Engineering have many relationships among them. If a student studies any topic not very well, the key point is maybe she (or he) does not understand other related topics. It would be helpful if an available method can be used to realize the relationships among topics. In this work, an auto-constructing concept may system is developed and employed to the course, Structure Analysis, in Civil Engineering for helping teachers to progress their course provisions. The students’ scores in examinations are collected as data source. There are five steps in the proposed system: collecting the students’ score in Structral Analysis as real cases; building-up the auto-constructing concept map system; creating virtual case with experts; testing the system using virtual cases; verifying the accuracy and practice of the system using real cases. The verification results reveal that the auto-constructing system can generate the corresponding concept map for Structral Analysis based on available students’ scores. While the proposed system is a generalized model, it can be utilized in other courses in Civil Engineering to assist teachers to improve their course materials.


  1. 658301.pdf

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