標題: 溫室氣體盤查減量策略與技術資料庫之建立
Strategy and Technology Database for Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and Reduction
作者: 黃彥瑋
Huang, Yen-Wei
Kao, Jehng-Jung
關鍵字: 溫室氣體減量策略與技術;資料庫;永續環境系統分析;strategies and technologies for GHG reduction;database;sustainable environment system analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 有效降低溫室氣體(Greenhouse Gas, GHG)的排放量,以減緩日趨明顯的全球暖化現象,是當前國內外均很受重視的議題,尤其是台灣的人均GHG排放量佔全世界前幾位,更有必要加速推動GHG減量,在推動GHG減量初期有必要參考國內外現有的策略與技術,以期規劃與執行適合國內的有效策略與技術,為提供更多元的減量策略及技術文獻供參考,本研究因而建立一個線上資料庫,並系統化整理分析所收集到的GHG減量策略與技術文獻,以供各界參考使用及有效推動GHG減量。 本研究將所收集的GHG盤查減量策略與技術文獻,依照減量施行範圍與規模大小,分類為全球與跨國、國家、城市、企業、社區、家庭、學校與個人等,此外,不易歸納於上述分類的策略或技術,則將其區分為綠色能源與GHG減量技術二大類別分別整理與分析之;資料庫系統所規劃的需求功能包括輸入修改、查詢、篩選、及資料輸出與展示方式等功能,資料庫結構則由基本資訊、資料摘要、GHG減量相關名詞解釋與使用者意見等關連式資料表所組成,依據上述設計之功能需求與資料庫結構,建置線上GHG盤查減量策略與技術資料庫,以期讓使用者取得適宜的資料供制定台灣GHG減量策略與發展相關技術時參考。
Efficiently reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigating global warming phenomena are highly focused issues in most countries now. The GHG emission in Taiwan ranks high in the world, and significant reduction of the emission has thus become a major national goal. To achieve the goal, evaluating various available GHG reduction strategies and technologies for their applicabilities in Taiwan is essential. Therefore, an online database was developed in this study for collecting, storing, and searching GHG reduction strategies and technologies. The database will serve as a major reference resource for finding appropriate strategies and technologies to perform GHG reduction tasks in Taiwan. In the developed database, GHG reduction strategies and technologies are classified based on their implementation scopes and scales, including global and transnational, national, city, company, school, community, family, individual, and others green energy and GHG reduction technologies. The database system provides four primary functions, including input and modification, search, screening, and output. The database consists of several relational tables to store primary information, abstract, comment, and data dictioanry. The database system is expected to facilitate analysis and evaluation of the strategies and technologies that are specifically appropriate for GHG reductions in Taiwan.


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