Title: 從眾行為與網路合購之行為研究
The Study of Conformity and Online Group-buying Behavior
Authors: 郤瑞育
Hsi, Jui-Yu
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 網路購物;從眾行為;合購;結構方程模型;on-line shopping;conformity;group-buying;structural equation modeling
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 電子商務時代來臨,網路購物已成為現代人的購物的主要來源之一,而網際網路的快速發展,網路的即時性、便利性等特性形成了新一代的交易模式,合購。合購顧名思義是指一種聚集不同人的需求,以達到某種目的的交易行為,可能是為了追求免運,或者想要達到以量制價的一種新型態交易模式。 本研究主要分為兩大部分,首先先探討從眾行為的因素,本研究主要是利用問卷來進行資料的收集,故在從眾行為部分僅僅探討個人特性的部分,並經過前測的因素分析,選出了從眾行為的四大因素,分別是「公眾自我的意識」、「服從」、「自信」、「對社會比較訊息的注意」。另外一部分也就是本研究主要探討的部分,影響合購意願的因素探討,本研究經過實際瞭解和文獻探討得到影響合購意願的七大因素,分別是「從眾行為」、「主購信任度」、「風險」、「電子口碑」、「價格優惠」、「便利性」、「訊息」。 本研究主要著重在有過合購經驗的消費者,哪些是影響他們合購意願高低的因素。採用問卷調查法並且以因素分析來確定本研究的構面,並利用結構方程模型來進行本研究的分析。 研究實證結果證實,在從眾因素探討的部分,當消費者越具有正向的「公眾自我的意識」、越正向的「服從」亦或越正向的「對社會比較訊息的注意」時,其行為越容易出現從眾的傾向。而在合購因素探討部分,其中從眾行為經過因素分析後僅剩規範性從眾來探討從眾行為構面,而訊息也一分為二,形成了「一般訊息」和「廣告訊息」兩大構面。而經資料分析結果證實,當消費者具有高度從眾行為、主購提供的信任度越高、合購所造成的風險越低、合購所帶來的價格優惠越高或合購網站所提供的一般訊息越正向時,對於消費者參與合購的意願有正向的影響力。
As the era of electronic commerce has come, on-line shopping is one of the main shopping channels for modern consumers, on-line shopping has several advantages, just-in-time service and convenience, which makes it the new version of shopping mode- “group-buying”. Group-buying in definition is a transaction mode made in order to satisfy various people’s needs. The need could simply for free merchandise transportation or cut price down by volume order. This study can be divided into two parts. The first part discussed about the factors that influence people’s behavior of conformity by sending questionnaires to collect data, therefore it only emphasis on individual aspect. From factor analysis, four factors are chosen for further discussion: public self-consciousness, obedience, self-confidence, attention-to-social-comparison information. The second part focused on factors influence consumers’ willingness of group-buying. Seven factors induced form literature reviews and investigations are: conformity, initiator’s trust, risk level, electronic word-of-mouth, price discount, convenience, information. This study gathered data from consumers having group-buying shopping experiences to understand which factors affect their willingness to group-buying. The research framework is built by factor analysis, and structural equation modeling is used to analyze data. It is supported that consumers who have more positive public self-consciousness, obedience, and attention-to-social-comparison information are easier to have conformity. Factors of consumers joining group-buying transaction are normative conformity, general information and advertisement information. After analysis, the results showed that it has positive influence on consumers’ decision on joining group-buying transaction when consumers have high conformity, highly trust on initiator, low risk on transaction, higher discount rate the transaction can bring and more positive the general information provided on websites.
Appears in Collections:Thesis