標題: 相容於標準金氧半技術之單晶片高速光檢測器設計、製作與特性量測
Design、Fabrication and Characterization of Monolithic CMOS Compatible Photodetectors
作者: 劉川漳
Chuan-Chang Liu
Yang-Tung Huang
Wei-Zen Chen
關鍵字: 光二極體;互補式金氧半;光檢測器;空間調變光;接收器;photodiode;CMOS;photodetector;SML;receiver;OEIC
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究設計、製作與量測相容於金氧半場 (CMOS)技術下的光檢測器。利用金屬作為遮光層,使入射光在空間中產生週期變化,導致基板的擴散電流相互抵銷,以提高反應速度。本研究中,使用嚴格的模擬架構分析元件的光特性,並系統性的設計光檢測元件,使其能夠高速操作,同時也不至於減少其響應率(responsivity)。此檢測元件以台灣積體電路公司0.18 um 2P6M 互補式金氧半技術製作,並利用波長為850 nm的垂直共振腔面射型雷射二極體(VCSEL)作為輸入光訊號做量測實驗。眼圖的量測結果,顯示了元件能操作在1.5-Gb/s的資料傳輸率(data rate)。
In this study, monolithic CMOS technology compatible photodetectors have been investigated. Using the metal as the light-blocking layer, the input light can form a spatial periodical variation to the detector. Thus, the diffusion photocurrent within the substrate can be cancelled out, and the detector response speed can be improved. A rigorous model for analyzing the detectors is adopted. All device parameters in our design have been discussed systematically for obtaining high speed operation without significantly reducing the detector responsivity. The devices were fabricated by TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) 0.18 um 2P6M CMOS technology. By taking VCSEL (Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) with input light wavelength of 850 nm as input signal, the experimental results of eye patterns of the signals show that these devices can operate at a 1.5-Gb/s datarate.