標題: 國家領導人危機傳播策略之研究-以陳水扁總統和布希總統為例
Crisis Communication Strategies of Two Presidents-Case Studies of President Chen Shui-bian and President George Walker Bush
作者: 鄧安純
Teng, An-Chun
Lee, Mei-Hua
關鍵字: 危機傳播;危機情境;形象修護策略;危機策略效果;跨文化;crisis communication;crisis situation;image repair strategies;media efficacy;cross-cultural
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 就政府組織而言,不管是在複雜度和體系大小上都更勝於一般企業,因此對於危機事件的處理,不僅備受人民與媒體關注,一旦應對不當,所損及的可能不只是人民利益,更可能危及政治運作與國家安全。因而當政府團隊在面對危機時,適切的對危機做出反應和處理,就顯得格外的重要。 本研究主要以國家領導人為對象,旨在探討危機情境、形象修護策略與媒體報導成效之間的關係。研究主要援引Bradford&Garrett(1995)和黃懿慧(2006)所界定之五種不同危機情境為主軸。並以Benoit(1995)和Huang,Lin,Su(2005)的形象修護策略為分析架構,透過媒體報導之評價以評估在不同情境中危機反應之效果。並嘗試從跨文化的視野角度檢視陳水扁與布希總統對於危機修護策略的運用和其所屬的文化背景間所存在之關聯性。 根據研究結果,在「行為」與「行為控制」情境中,「單純否認」和「攻擊對手」策略是較好的選擇。而面對「控制」與「同意」情境時,宜採取「修正行動」策略。至於身處在「各持標準」情境,「降低外界攻擊」則是較適當的回應策略。同時研究也發現,華人文化背景之領導人,較偏好運用「提高層次」、「逃避問題」和「支持他人」等策略以應對危機。
Keeping good image for the government leader is very important. Crisis management not only relates to all people in the country, but also affects national security. This study focus on the relationships among crisis situations, crisis response strategies, and media efficacy. This study adopts the image repair theory of Benoit (1995) and Huang et al. (2005) as theoretical framework to examine president Shui-bian Chen’s and president Bush’s use of crisis communication strategies in five different crisis situation. The crisis situation identifies adopts Bradford&Garrett’s (1995) and Yi-hui Huang’s (2006) five kinds of crisis situations. The method of content analysis was adopted to analyze what image repair strategies were used by the two presidents and its effects. The result of study is found, first, president Shui-bian Chen and president Bush employed different image repair strategies in five different crisis situations. Second, president Shui-bian Chen and president Bush used different image repair strategies in different cultural background.