DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Jui-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChuang, Ming-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract  當消費市場成熟後,人們各自擁有屬於自己的一套價值觀和品味,御宅族(日語オタク,OTAKU,又可稱作「御宅」或「オタ」)在這樣的社會出現,形成了一個新的消費市場。目前市面上針對御宅族設計的產品範圍依然有限,但創作者認為,還可以再以他們為出發點,甚至運用御宅族的智慧,創造出新產品或新的使用方式。透過與御宅談話、觀察其活動的場域獲得御宅族的特色、偏好、遭遇的問題等等,融入設計的手法創作出新的產品及服務。   本創作研究一共分為四個部分。第一部分為名詞解釋與資料收集,概括簡述御宅的形成及定義本篇創作的對象,從文獻和蒐集相關產品的資料中,抽取設計元素和設計方向。獲得御宅族七大項特質:(1)互相資訊交換形成社群,(2)收藏累積,(3)具備創造力,(4)時間大量分配在電腦網路上,(5)具備自我解嘲的幽默感,(6)擁有獨特美意識,(7)完美的變身與理想型態。   第二部分則是透過對個案的觀察,進入其場域、活動中,觀察蒐集御宅的偏好和行為,並以簡短的訪談了解其心態,製作persona和problem scenario後,綜合資料的整理擬訂設計的概念。第三部分為獲得基礎概念後,進行產品設計創作展開,在設計中導入御宅需要、必要且想要的功能,轉化成實際上生活產品應用,並以實作模型與圖面呈現。本設計創作共產出了四件作品,分別是角色生命時鐘、感測生理狀態的滑鼠、可以供運動的坐墊以及腳踏墊,並以與虛擬角色遊戲的方式,讓御宅族藉由玩樂來運動。第四檢討作品的部分,透過展覽展示和實際模型,收集整理一般觀展人意見,並再次與御宅個案進行實物檢討,提出未來發展可能性。   藉由本研究對御宅族族群的探討,期望能提供工業設計師在設計產品形態或服務上的參考。 關鍵字:產品設計、御宅族、人物誌、劇本法、使用者中心設計zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen the consumer market becomes more and more matures, people have their own values and diversity of taste. Otaku population appears, and they increase, forming a new huge consumer market. “Otaku” is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, comics, or video games. But the products designed for the otaku is still less. This research is intended to do user-centered design. The research is intended to use knowledge, wisdom of otaku, to create new products or find new usages. This research through interviewing with otaku, observing activities of otaku, to obtain real otaku’s features, preferences, and the problems they meet. And one tries to use design approach to create new products and services. This research included four parts. In the first part of this research is defining what otaku is, and collecting the data. Describes the otaku briefly, and finds the design elements and design direction from the reviewing literatures, data, or related products. This research finds there are 7 characteristics of otaku: (1) they frequent exchange of information and form their community, (2) they keep cumulative their interested collections, (3) otaku with good imagination and creativity, (4) they use large of time on the computer and internet, (5) they have good sense of humor with self-mockery, (6) they have a unique sense of aesthetics, (7) they wish they can become the ideal type of perfect by “henshin”. (“henshin” is a Japanese term, it means “transformation” nearly.) In the second part of the research, one through the cases study and get into their fields, and activities. One observes otaku’s behavior and preferences, and through the interviewing the otaku to understand their mentality. Than we create personas and problem scenarios, to make the main design concepts. In the third phase, one gets the basic design concepts of otaku, and than spreads and reduces ideas to develop new products design. Importing otaku really needs and desired features, becomes the practical products of life, and expresses by models and pictures in the exhibition. Finally, the four product design works of “Character HP clock”, “Physiological sensing mouse”, “Motion seat”, “Motion mat” have been developed. And be in the virtual role-playing games to let otaku play with the virtual character, make them exercise. The forth phase is to reviewing and discussing the concept products design. One collects opinions from ordinary audiences, and discusses with the otaku cases, tries to raise the possibility design developments of future. Through this research of the otaku population, one expects to provide industrial designers the reference in the design of products or new services. Keywords: Product design, otaku, persona, scenario, user-centered designen_US
dc.subjectUser-centered designen_US
dc.subjectProduct designen_US
dc.titleOtaku designen_US


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