Title: 國內投資人採用網路銀行申購共同基金影響因素之研究-以大台北地區為例
The Influence Factors of Domestic Investors by Adopting Internet Bank to Purchase Mutual Fund - A Case Study of Taipei as an Example
Authors: 莊仁華
Chuang Jen-Hua
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 共同基金;網路銀行;產品屬性;消費者行為;Mutual Fund;Internet Bank;Product Attribute;Consumer Behavior
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 電子商務之發展,為傳統的商業交易模式帶來巨大的衝擊,而隨著網際網路技術導入銀行業務,網路銀行乃成為金融業界近年來主要發展趨勢之一。在網路銀行所提供之多樣化金融服務中,共同基金網路下單因具有跨地域性與即時性,便利投資者隨時隨地進行投資,且網路銀行所提供之豐富的產業資訊與各類基金研究報告、績效評比,係消費者作成投資決定前重要參考資訊,共同基金理財服務乃成為最獲消費者青睞之網路銀行金融服務項目。因此,本研究期望透過對共同基金之探討,對於行銷通路擬定其行銷策略及推廣提出建議。 本研究採用問卷調查法來收集資料,藉由已在網路銀行上申購過共同基金之國內投資人做分析,以EKB模式作為本研究之架構,共同基金屬性、網路銀行屬性及人口統計變數作為投入變數,透過購買實態變數作為消費行為之描述。並採用統計方法的因素分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析等來分析所得之實證資料。 本研究就統計資料分析後整理出研究結果,再根據研究結果對提供網路銀行申購共同基金產品的銀行業者整理出行銷策略建議。
The development of e-commerce has brought tremendous impact on the conventional model of business transactions. As the Internet technology was introduced to banks over the past years, Internet banking has become one of the major development trends for the financial service industry. Among the various financial services offered online, mutual fund sales break the geographic boundaries and facilitate the investors to make decisions instantly. Furthermore, the Internet is a convenient channel with abundant information, such as research reports and performance ranking, based on which the investors can make their decisions. Thus, online mutual fund sales as a wealth management service have become the most popular Internet banking service for consumers. In this research, we used questionnaire to collect data, and analyzed the consumer behaviors of existing domestic investors by adopting Internet Bank to purchase Mutual Fund. The EKB model is used as a conceptual framework. Product attributes and demographic factors are used as independent variables. Consumptionreality variables describe the behavior of consumers. We used statistics method, such as factor anaylsis, chi-square test, ANOVA ect. to analyze the collected data. In research, different demographic variables to describe the analysis of statistical information on the analysis of results sorted out, and then the light of the findings on the provision of Internet banking products, mutual funds purchase bank marketing strategy sorted out.
Appears in Collections:Thesis