標題: 創新、產業與常勝軍三者相關性分析-以全球創新企業為例
A Study of Relationship among Innovation, Industries and Constant Winners-Taking Global Most Innovative Companies as Example
作者: 洪福蔭
Hung, Fu-Yin
Chu, Po-Yung
關鍵字: 創新;創新企業;產業;常勝軍;innovation;industry;innovative company;constant winners
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 蘋果公司、Google、豐田汽車與奇異等公司皆因創新策略的執行成功。選取2006到2009年最創新的企業,本研究根據波士頓顧問集團調查之四年排名,除了問卷調查採用的四種創新型態之外,還將其劃分成八大產業別,深入探討創新型態與產業別是否有相關;另外,還加入創新企業之常勝軍,進一步分析產業別、創新型態與常勝軍三者之間是否有重要的關聯性。由實證的結果如下: 1. 榜上65家創新企業中,採用顧客經驗創新的企業最多。有四種產業別採取顧客經驗創新型態的比例相對較高,分別為網路軟體資訊業、食品通路業、生活娛樂業及金融服務業等。 2. 主要採取顧客經驗創新的四種產業別,顯示其企業排名流動率最高。表示產業進入障礙較低,且採取顧客經驗創新是最適當且門檻最低的創新方式。 3. 以科技面、講求先進技術與未來趨勢之產業,如電子電器業、汽車運輸業、通訊手機業等,採用產品創新的公司較多,為四種創新型態中,第二多企業採用的創新模式。但並不代表這些企業能常駐市場裡,仍有約一半比例的企業無法持續擁有創新的地位。 4. 流程創新是最能提升屏障的創新方式,製造工業能源業相對其餘產業而言,較有持續創新的優勢。 5. 採取商業模式創新之企業,印證了商業模式創新幾乎是後進者要進入成熟市場時所採用之創新型態,才能創造其競爭優勢,但也較不易維持在市場中的地位。
Apple Inc., Google, Toyota, GE all distinguished their competitiveness by implementing innovative strategies. Based on the Boston Consulting Group survey, subject companies were selected from 2006 to 2009 among “The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies”. This research studied how the enterprises achieved innovation by exploring the relationship among four innovative types, eight industries and the constant winners. The rationale why particular innovative strategies were adopted was also examined. The conclusions are stated as follow: 1. The companies adopting “customer experience innovation “were the most popular ones. There are four industries in all eight industries had the highest percentage by adopting” customer experience innovation”, including Internet & information industry, Food industry, Entertainment industry and Financial service industry. 2. The four Industries adopting “customer experience innovation” had higher “non-constant winners” percentage. That phenomenon suggested the low entry barrier of industries and non-sustainability of innovative strategies. 3. The industries characterized by trends and technologies had higher proportion adopting “product innovation”, including Electronics industry, Auto industry and Telecommunication Industry. “Product innovation” was the second popular innovative strategies that companies had adopted. 4. The process innovation was effective to sustain advantages for manufacturing and energy companies. 5. Almost the companies adopting “business model innovation” were late entrants. Business model innovation enabled late entrant to create different advantages.