標題: 從安全監控業看攝影機(CCTV)的創新—以個案A公司為例
CCTV Innovation of Security Industry—Perspective in A Company
作者: 彭進興
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 安全監控產業;攝影機;創新;Security Industry;CCTV;Innovation
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 受到美國911恐怖攻擊事件影響,使得全球對於安控產品的需求與重視,而CCTV視訊監控系統在此市場需求高度成長趨勢導引之下,未來產業的成長空間相當大。攝影機未來的發展,將朝向數位化及網路化發展,此乃世界潮流趨勢;其中以DVR數位式錄影機所扮演的角色,日趨重要,而網路通訊與系統整合的技術將成為基本技能要求,台灣CCTV產業要如何來因應這一波的市場變革與機會?本研究即為A公司為例,從產業發展現況以及供應鏈之瞭解,來探討個案A公司之創新方向。以提供具體之產業發展策略與建議,供我國既有業者以及未來欲加入之廠商參考。
After 911 terrorist attacks in 2001, the demand for the safety and security industry products in the world have been surged dramatically. As a result, the safety and security products immediately have a great outlook for the foreseeing future. The trend of the development of camera products will move more toward to digitization and networking. As such the DVR (Digital Video Recorder), the most critical component of CCTV, has played an even more important role than before. Network communication and system integration will become the basic essential technical competence for CCTV makers. How Taiwan CCTV makers would strategically embrace such a great opportunity is an interesting issue to study. The research takes the perspectives from the subject company A to explore the potential CCTV innovations by analyzing the competitive environment and the value chain. The findings could contribute the future development of the CCTV products as well as business models.