DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Ko-Puen_US
dc.contributor.authorDeng, Yi-Shinen_US
dc.description.abstract長久以來人造物便不斷地隨著時代而演進,它們反映了當代文化、社會、宗教和人們的生活情況,因此人造物便成了相關領域研究時的重要參考依據。然而隨著科技的進步,人造物的面貌與角色也逐漸改變;新的科技產品改變了人們與傳統人造物之間的互動方式,傳統低科技的人造物所具有,經過長期社會累積所發展出的特殊意義在科技發展的腳步下逐漸被取代。 近十年來電子書的技術逐漸成熟,不論是專門的電子書閱讀器或平板電腦中的一項服務,再再宣告了書本數位化時代的來臨。關於電子書的研究紛紛因應而生,例如頁面排版的效益評估,模擬真實互動的行為等「功能」層面的考量。然而,在人機互動的領域中卻鮮少以傳統書本在人們生活中所扮演的角色出發,定位電子書與人們之間的關係。本研究的目的在於探討傳統書本在互動過程中的角色與定位,討論傳統書本的「存在感」,藉以提出未來電子書的設計建議。 本研究採用了文化探針、半結構訪談、扎根理論、工作模型等質性研究法,讓參與者透過自我檢視的方式重新體驗並分享不同的脈絡背景,並且在資料解構與重組的過程中,逐步找尋書本以及相關人造物在人們跟書本的關係,最後建立書本互動的模式並提出書本「存在感」的關聯架構。 結果指出,人們與書本間的互動模式由對應於社會互動、收藏、閱讀三個主要互動層面的三個現象所組成:期盼感、占有感、滿足感,三現象彼此之間呈現線性的交互影響,並且透過「接受」這核心概念來連結彼此;在這些互動下書本具有以下特質:未來的典範、經驗投注與誘發、人格特質的延伸表現。因此本研究提出書本的「存在感」即是在「閱讀」與「社會互動」所產生的兩股力量牽引之下,最終在收藏層面上所加以呈現的一個特質。最後本研究基於上述結果,對未來電子書提出以下的設計建議:(a)電子書應提供個人化的差異來表現不同的閱讀習慣,(b)提供更自由的收藏方式來表現個人偏好,(c)藉由實體的代表物來強化虛擬書本的擁有感,(d)適時地聯結他人與社群。本研究針對「存在感」所提出的設計建議涵括了三個互動層面,具體且彈性地提供相關互動介面設計師與服務商電子書未來可能的參考方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of the human beings’ history, artifacts which reflect the cultures, societies, religions and lives of contemporary people have been evaluating continually. Hence, artifacts have become the important references of related studies issues. However, the appearances and characters of artifacts are changed because of the advancement of technology. The new digital objects have changed the current ways we interact with traditional artifacts, and the symbols of traditional artifacts which have been developed during hundred years are replaced and eliminated gradually. In recent years, the proposing of ebook readers and Tablets seems that the epoch of digital books is coming. Researchers and designers have proposed related issues of “function” aspect such as the effects of screen layout, or the simulative interactions on digital device. However, there are few studies which propose design issues of ebooks based on the relation between people and physical books in HCI. The aim of this thesis is to propose design implications which are produces from the research of the relationship between physical books and people for future ebook design. This thesis adopts the culture probe, semi-structure interview, grounded theory and work model to make the participants re-experience and share the contexts after self-documenting. Then, the relationship between physical books, artifacts and people is revealed through the processes of data dissolving, comparing and reorganizing. Finally, the core pattern of books’ interaction and the structure of books’ presence are proposed. The result indicates that the core pattern of interaction between physical books and people are consisted with three key phenomena which are reflected to the three main interactions: “social interaction”, “collection” and “reading” named “expectation”, “possession” and “satisfaction”. These phenomena are affecting each other in a linear and two-way process. Besides, the whole process is linked and maintained by the core concept named “acceptance”. Physical books have several characters under these interactions: books are the paragons of the future; books are thought as experience recorders and triggers; books are the extensions of personal characteristics. Therefore, the presence proposed in this thesis is considered as the performance which is extruded by the forces from social interaction and reading of collection. Based on the arguments above, the design implications for future ebook design are suggested that (a) The ideal e-book should provide personalization and high control to meet the various demands of users such as reflecting the reading habits, (b) different collection preferences, (c) substantial representation, and (d) connection of communities. These design implications including the three interactions lead the interaction designers, interface designers and service providers a distinct and flexible way for ebooks design.en_US
dc.subjectuser experienceen_US
dc.subjectculture probeen_US
dc.subjectgrounded theoryen_US
dc.titleBeyond the Function: Exploring the Presence of Material Booksen_US


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