標題: 建築型為切片
Interactive slice
作者: 林冠宇
Lin, Guan-Yu
關鍵字: 建築;architecture
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 相對於大規模開發規劃從零開始,夾雜在都市裡的空間總是會給人驚喜,就像東京製造裡面所提到的如何奇妙的機能被融合在都市的環境裡,所謂的活動介面應該就是在這些地方才真的存在,這是一種既衝突又可以良好的運作的系統,由下而上的設計方式在都市環境運作好一段時間需要重整的時候是一個很好的方法其實它就像是在打游擊戰一樣可以隨時調配策略擁有靈活的變化性,這一點來說或許現在的科技是可以補足這方面的需求,因為電腦程式的輔助我們可以將設計當成是一種程序可以藉由控制輸入端來達到靈活運作的理想。 活動介面長期被提出討論的方向是從大規模的尺度,大的斜坡道組織了不同高度的介面、清透的大玻璃面連結了內外的視覺空間、藉由單一物件對介面產生擾動,而我的切入點為單純細碎動作的解析重組或是系統化的一系列特定活動的組構,藉此來重新檢視介面更多的可能性跟多樣性。行為在這個點上所顯現的反應對於接下來一連串的效應有決定性的引導作用,所謂的建築行為除了在產生實際的構造物之外在被細碎分割的各個瞬間扮演著怎樣的角色,是我想去嘗試闡述的
Relative to large-scale development plan from scratch space for inclusion in the city always give people a surprise, as mentioned in Tokyo how to create wonderful inside the function to be integrated in the urban environment, the so-called active interface should be is only really exist in these places, which is both a conflict and the operation of the system can be good, bottom-up approach to design in an urban environment requires re-operation for some time, when in fact, is it a good way such as may at any time in the guerrilla warfare strategy has a flexible deployment of variability, it is perhaps now the technology is to complement this demand, because the auxiliary computer programs as we can is a program designed to control the input by side to achieve flexible operation of the ideal. Active interface has long been discussed in the direction from the large-scale, organized a large ramp interface of different heights, perfectly clear link between the inside and outside the large glass surface of the visual space of a single object on the interface generated by disturbances , And my starting point is a simple analytical re-crushing action or specific activities in a systematic series of fabric, thereby to re-examine the possibility of the interface more with diversity. Behavior at this point the reaction appeared on a series of effects for the next decisive role in guiding the so-called acts in addition to building the actual structures have to be finely divided than in the moment of play every kind of role that I want to To try to set out


  1. 750301.pdf
  2. 750302.pdf
  3. 750303.pdf

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