Title: | 低價消費風潮下的市場行銷策略研究-以A公司的小筆電(Netbook)產品為研究對象 A Marketing Research on Low Price Consumer Behavior-a case study of the Netbook marketing |
Authors: | 蔡國新 Tsai, Kuo-Hsin 楊千 Yang, Chyan 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 筆記型電腦、小筆電、消費者行為研究、競爭策略、價值創新、藍海策略、SWOT分析、波特五力分析;Notebook computer, Small laptop-Netbook, Consumer Behavior, Competitive Strategy, Value Innovation, Blue Ocean Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Competitive Advantage |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 本論文透過整理、研究與分析有關於「消費者行為模式」、「競爭策略」、「價值創新」、「藍海策略」、「SWOT分析」、「波特五力分析」等的各項理論和文獻。並以市場及消費者行銷概念為出發點,結合創新產品管理及競爭力的理論,輔以對筆記型電腦及迷你筆記型電腦 (通稱小筆電 Netbook)的產品定位、市場行銷及消費者需求為研究個案。提出一套對產品及市場的策略分析步驟,及研擬對未來創新市場與創新產品之策略規劃與管理模式。
本研究選擇筆記型電腦產業中的小筆電 (Netbook) 做為研究個案,經本論文研究及市場探討分析後,得出下列研究心得與結論:
1. 消費者購買力與消費行為,明顯隨著消費者認知的提升及市場區域的改變,與近來全球經濟氣候的大幅度變化,而產生對企業經營策略更急遽的影響力。產品的週期變短,創新的速度加快。企業面對未來的競爭,必須走向更國際化、技術導向與創新思維。「大量製造」、「降低成本」已不再是惟二的競爭力來源。
2. 企業成長及永續經營的原動力,不只是受到市場、技術與產品的影響而已。「消費者認知」與「創新策略」會是未來企業競爭最必須要關注的重點。企業應該更注意從消費者出發的市場需求,從創新中找出更多的藍海競爭策略。 In this study we report the development of the product strategy with Notebook and Netbook products as examples. Through the market research and analysis in the thesis, we come out the conclusion as following: 1. As consumers become more knowledgeable, the changing of the global economic and non-limitary territories, the consumer behavior changed significantly. Mass production and Cost reduction is no longer subject to the sources of competitiveness. Shorter product life cycle and faster innovated research results, force enterprises must be more competitive internationally and technology-oriented. 2. The Business growth and sustainable movement not only be influenced by technology and products, consumer perception and innovation strategy are the key success factors for the corporate competing in the future. Enterprises should pay more attention on market demand and customer needs to form its competitive “Blue Ocean” strategy. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/46128 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |