标题: 中国星级酒店之核心能力与竞争策略─以浙江省酒店为例
The Core Competence and Competitive Strategy of Chinese Start-rated Hotel — a Case Study of Zhejiang Province Hotel
作者: 郑夙君
Cheng, Su-Chun
Yang, Chyan
Lin, Chiun-Sin
关键字: 星级酒店;核心能力;SWOT分析;五力分析;竞争优势;Star-rated Hotel;Core Competence;SWOT Analysis;Five Force Analysis;Competitive Advantage
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 自改革开放以来的30年中,中国旅游饭店业有了快速发展。加入WTO后,中国经济己融入世界经济体系,旅游业已发展成为中国国民经济的重要产业,中国旅游业的庞大潜力和发展前景,吸引许多世界着名的跨国饭店集团纷纷进入市场,作为旅游业中三大支柱之一的酒店业面临着巨大的竞争压力和挑战。所以正确的了解中国旅游饭店业的竞争力现状以及采取有效措施,促进提升其竞争力是具有重大的意义。目前中国的酒店正面临着许多挑战和困难,例如重复建设、供大于求,过重的税负税费、利润率下降、居高不下的员工流动率、直接成本的不断上升等问题,如要保障酒店的长久竞争优势,唯有找出并发展专属于酒店的核心竞争力才是重要的利基点。

企业核心能力的培养与累积,是现今企业经营发展与竞争的重点。本研究以中国与浙江省的星级酒店为研究对象,从资源基础论与竞争优势的观点分析,探讨其核心资源与能力累积过程,并藉由Michael Porter 的“五力分析”及“SWOT”等产业分析理论,来研究分析个案如何建立核心能力,并进一步归纳出酒店业经营的竞争优势与未来发展策略,提供酒店业投资者和现有星级酒店业转型的参考指标,并达到企业的永续发展。
In the past 30 years after reformation and opening up, tourism and the hospitality industry in China has been developing rapidly. Ever since China entered WTO, the Chinese economy has integrated into the global economic system, whilst tourism has become an important industry in the Chinese national economy. The immense potential and future development in Chinese tourism has drawn many internationally renowned hotel corporations to enter the market, which made the hospitality business, one of the three pillars of tourism, face vast competitive pressure and challenge. Therefore, it is truly meaningful to know correctly the current situation of the competitiveness of the Chinese hotel and hospitality industry and apply effective measures to raise its competiveness. At present, hotels in China are facing numerous challenges and difficulties, such as repeated construction, oversupply, the decline in profit margins, high staff turnover and the continuous increase of indirect cost. In order to maintain its long-term advantages in competitiveness, it is essentially crucial to discover and develop the core competitiveness unique to the hotels.

The training and accumulation of core business abilities is the focal point of current development in business management and competitiveness. This research will study the star-rated hotels in China and Zhejiang Province. Based on the theory of resources and analyses on competitiveness, it will investigate the accumulation process of the core resources and abilities, and applying Michael Porter’s five forces analysis and “SWOT” theory, research and analyze how individual cases build the core abilities. Furthermore, it will induce the competitive advantages and future policies of development of the hospitality industry in order to offer referential indices for investors of the hospitality industry as well as current star-rated hotels to transform themselves and accomplish long-lasting sustainability.