標題: 適用於社交網路遊戲之客戶端系統
The Client System and the Authentication System of Social Network Games
作者: 林修全
Lin, Hsiu-Chuan
Wu, I-Chen
關鍵字: 社交網路;網頁遊戲;豐富網際網路應用程式;驗證伺服器;客戶端;下載管理器;Social network;Web Game;RIA;Auth Server;Client;Loading Manager
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本篇論文目的為開發出一套適合與社交平台結合的遊戲客戶端開發平台,此平台需具備安全性、擴充性及多語系支援。遊戲開發者透過此平台開發遊戲可以專注於遊戲內容的設計,不需要處理遊戲底層的細節;進而開發出效率高且成本低的遊戲,並透過與社交平台的結合,增加遊戲平台的曝光度及使用者的使用意願。
In this thesis, we study a network game client suited for social network platform. The criteria of this platform include security, scalability and multi-language support. In this platform, game developers only need to concentrate on the game-related design and pay little attention to non-game-related design, such as the detail of system-related design. Such a framework will greatly reduce the cost of game development. Then through the combination with social platform, we can increase the game exposure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis