Title: 稀土材料產業應用之分析
An Industry Analysis of the Rare Earth Materials
Authors: 廖佑笙
Liao, Yu-Sheng
Shyu, Joseph Z.
Keywords: 稀土材料;產業組合分析;創新政策;產業創新需求要素;Rare Earth Materials Industry;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Innovation Policy;Industrial Innovation Resources
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析為基礎,建構稀土材料產業應用端之競爭策略,以市場成長曲線與稀土材料產業價值鏈為區隔變數。透過此一分析區隔出稀土材料產業之定位,並冺用產業創新需求要素分析模式及產業專家之意見調查,分析歸納出發展稀土材料產業的關鍵成功要素,提出稀土材料產業未來發展可能經營的全球策略,並建議臺灣在此價值鏈中所應扮演之角色。 分析後結果得出,稀土材料產業目前定位在市場成長曲線的萌芽期,以及產業價值鏈中的研發部分;未來冀望針對研發持續投入,使稀土材料產業順冺進展到生產製造的成長期,並冺用研發的成果向市場應用端邁進。 為輔助稀土材料產業成長,本研究根據產業創新需求要素與政策類型的分析結果,得到政府需要優先提供與加強的要素有:「國家基礎研究能力」、「上游產業的支援」、「同業間的技術合作」、「政府對產業政策的制定」、「專門領域的研究機構」、「具整合能力之研究單位」、「新材料應用開發能力」、「全球市場競爭」、「多元需求的市場」、「供料穩定度(含價格波動)」、「專門領域的研究人員」、「創新研發管理人力」、「研究經費」共十三項。
This thesis reports on a strategic assessment for the rare earth materials industry. A portfolio model is used to assess the strategic positioning entailing a 2-dimensional analysis, containing market s-curve (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal axis). Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, expert interview, and general survey, respectively. Furthermore, this thesis offers advice on global strategy and suggestions for Taiwanese firms about how to play a role in the value chain of rare earth materials industry. Research results reveal that the rare earth materials industry is positioned at the burgeoning phase of the market s-curve, and also at the research and development area of the value chain. The future prospects should be more toward at the position of the manufacturing phase, and base on the research and development results to move forward to the market applications phase. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments are ―National capabilities of research‖,―Supports from upstream firms‖,―Technical cooperation within the industry‖, ―Government policies on the industry‖, ―Specialized research insitutions‖, ―Research units which are able to integrate‖, ―Ability to explore new materials applications‖, ―Global market competitions‖, ―Diverse-needs markets‖, ―Stability of supplies(including price fluctuations)‖, ―Specialized researchers‖, ―Innovative R&D management‖, and ―Research budget‖. The corresponding policy instruments in support of developing IIRs are provided in the conclusion part of this thesis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis