Title: 高速公路之電動車充電排程研究
Charge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in Highways
Authors: 鄭偉升
Cheng, Wei-Sheng
Lin, Yi-Bing
Keywords: 充電排程;充電站選擇;電動車;charge scheduling;charging station selection;electric vehicle
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在今日,用於電動車之充電站仍不如加油站來的普遍。因此,對電動車駕駛來說,尋找與選擇充電站是一個重要的議題。本論文主要研究電動車的充電問題,論文中我們提出了兩種類型的演算法來選擇充電站。第一種類型的演算法只利用電動車的區域資訊(local information)進行選擇;而第二種類型則藉由行動計算得到的全域資訊(global information)進行選擇。具體來說,電動車透過行動通訊網路(mobile telecommunications network)與全域充電站選擇伺服器(Global CS-selection server)進行互動得到全域資訊。我們的研究指出,藉由使用全域資訊(特別是各充電站的負載狀況),可以使電動車有效地縮短在各個充電站的充電等待時間。
Today, charging stations (CSs) for electric vehicles (EVs) are much less popular than gas stations. Therefore, searching and selecting CSs is an important issue for the drivers of EVs. This paper investigates the EV charging problem. We propose two types of CS selection algorithms. The first type only utilizes local information of an EV. The second type utilizes the global information obtained through interactions between the EVs and a Global CS-selection (GCS) server through the mobile telecommunications network. Our study indicates that by using the global information (specifically the workload status of each CS), the EVs can be effectively charged with short waiting times at the CSs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis