标题: 后ECFA时代,两岸平面显示器设备产业的布局与行销策略
The Study of the Marketing Strategy of Flat Panel Display Equipment Industry in Chiawan after ECFA era
作者: 李松贤
Lee, Sung-Hsien
Chung, Hui-min
关键字: 平面显示器;设备产业;产业竞争力;行销策略;薄膜电晶体显示器;FPD;Equipment Industry;Competitiveness;Marketing Strategy;ECFA;TFT-LCD
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 因此本研究目的将对台湾、日本、韩国与中国在TFT-LCD设备产业中的发展策略做分析比较,利用麦克波特于“国家竞争优势” (The Competitive Advantage of Nations)一书中所提出的钻石模型(Diamond Structure),比较台湾、日本与韩国三个国家,在TFT-LCD设备产业的竞争力,来探讨为何设备产业能够超越其他国家,占据于领先地位。
Purpose of study is to compare, to analysis the facility developing strategy on TFT firms. Facility makers include Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China. Using the “Diamond Structure” model of the competitive advantage of nations- author is Michal Potter. Comparing three national competitive like Taiwan, Japan, and Korea who has been over riding others nation in TFT facility. Why they would be a global leader in TFT facility industry?
Based on the procedure of “Design marketing Strategy for facility industry “ to analysis and realize overall scope of TFT facility industry which are derived from different biz strategies likes “Analysis competitor”, Competitive strategy”, ”Differential Strategy”, “Positioning Strategy” and “Developing, Testing and IPO on the new products and service”. Maturely facility makers like Japan and aggressive, continuing to develop new generation of TFT also with strongly national resources support likes Korea.
Face those tough competitors. As a domestic facility maker; how to use own advantage, resources, and competitive strategy to penetrate into China market? How to get a leading position in TFT facility industry? It becomes a very important course. Individual company would be through the marketing programming and expert method to offer a set of way with actual suggestion for Taiwan facility committee to do cross reference. Moreover, hope it becomes a marketing strategy guide and assisting government to make well industry policy of TFT-LCD facility in the near future.