Title: 2030年雲端生活下生物辨識系統的發展與應用
Function Development of Biometric System of Cloud Life in 2030
Authors: 王千云
Wang, Chien-Yun
Yuan, J.C. Benjamin
Keywords: 情境分析法、不確定軸、關鍵決策因素、雲端生活、生物辨識;Scenario analysis, Uncertainty, Critical element, Cloud life, biometric
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在科技不斷的進步網際網路日漸普及的狀態下,網路已經從室內走出戶外,人手一支的智慧型手機就可以隨處透過3G上網,然而雲端運算更是強化了這樣的運用,讓網路不僅除了上網外還可以增加許多互動的程式讓科技活起來,然而本研究主要是在探討預測2030年雲端技術已經成熟的狀態下,不管在網路通訊或金融交易各種不同的商業交易行為極須要一套安全且方便的身分認證系統來維護個人資訊安全,然而生物辨識系統的安全防護發展及演進就是一個非常重要的課題,透過未來可能發展的趨勢作為雲端生活下生物辨識系統相關產業的廠商對未來策略應有的方向及建議,本研究從雲端生活的角度探尋關於生物辨識系統產品及其未來不確定性的因為及其對相關產業可能的影響,促進生物辨識產業經濟活動。輔以建構未來雲端生活發展的可能情境。
本研究透過情境分析法,整理出六個主要生活場景,亦即智慧醫療、線上金融購物、智慧校園、行動交通、國土安全後,透過專家訪談、專家問卷、產品相關資料的收集整理後,歸納出影響2030 年生物辨識產品發展的關鍵決策因素群,並搭配5個地點構面以及3個族群構面,共可搭配組合90 組生活場景,便於分析使生活構面輪廓更加明確,影響未來生物辨識系統發展的重要不確定性包含了使用者的身分安全性、法規相關規範、辨識引擎與技術等三大項目。

Due to advanced technology and utilizing experience, internet requirements and services are fully in life everywhere, people can surf the internet anytime by 3G service and smart phone easily. Moreover, Cloud computing boosts such kind of application and brings many interactive programs that far beyond internet browser age.
This research is to discuss the prospects of the internet communication and finance security by biometric engine protection in A.D. 2030, a mutual cloud computing age. Therefore, the evolution of biometric engine will be a critical point in the following discussion as well as some guideline and suggestion will be proposed for pioneers to plan their strategy under an appropriate cloud service structure.
From the view of could service providers, this research also discuss current variety of biometric engine products and ongoing uncertain factors that impact related industries. Pushing ahead on biometric engine development may result in growth of business; also helps construct further conceptions development of cloud service. Scenario analysis module is utilized to generate 6 conditions of tomorrow life: smart medical treatment, online shopping, intelligent school, traffic operation and country security. Interviews with professionals, questionnaires and associated information of product are included too to summarize 5 locations and 3 ethnos that simulate 90 packages of scenarios; those variation factors will possibly affect future development of biometric engine. Under such sketch, it’s clear to evidence 3 uncertain elements, user id identification, government policy and BIO recognition technology.
There are both optimistic and pessimistic circumstances in the analysis method of scenario, they specify marketing demand and supply chain of the industry to forecast the features and trend of biometric recognition system of cloud generation in 2030 How to plan with such opportunities and threats for better tomorrow is the main approach of this research.
Key word: Scenario analysis, Uncertainty, Critical element, Cloud life, biometric
Appears in Collections:Thesis