Title: | 台灣3D動畫公司的永續經營之研究–以太極影音為例 Sustainability of 3D Animation Business in Taiwan: A Case Study of Digimax |
Authors: | 林佩君 Lin, Pei-Chun 韓復華 Han, Anthony F. 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 3D動畫;商業模式;動畫產業價值鏈;3D animation;Business model |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 電影阿凡達開啟全球3D電腦動畫的濫觴,讓全球廠商摩拳擦掌,紛紛想搶食3D電腦動畫的市場大餅。台灣一直以來都是歐美的動畫代工中心,有成熟的動畫繪製技術,卻在自有品牌之路陷入瓶頸無法前進。在3D電腦動畫掀起熱潮之後,一向在資訊產業領先全球的台灣也嗅到商機,積極搶進全球市場。然而3D動畫電影的製作成本高昂,規模相對小的台灣廠商在面對市場小、資金不足、沒有健全之融資制度卻又高度競爭的環境下要如何生存?
本研究以在台灣已有二十年歷史的3D動畫公司太極影音為個案研究對象,透過五力分析及供應鏈管理分析了解案例公司的外部環境,而後以Ostewalder & Pigneur 所提出的商業模式範例探討該公司內部營運中的九大要素,了解其商業經營模式。最後綜合內外部環境之分析提出後續經營方針之建議。
本研究歸納出以下結論: 第一、太極影音同時在大眾市場及利基市場中經營自有品牌,然而公司的定位曖昧不明,且利基市場通常為一次性合作,此經營策略較無法長久。第二、研究結果發現太極影音公司相當倚賴人力資源及設備來製作3D動畫,不過其商業模式與Osterwader & Pigneur 所提出的五種商業模式範例皆不相符。環顧市場機會與該公司經營優勢提出以下幾點建議:第一、太極影音可發展網路下載付費機制,拓展手持裝置新通路。第二、外包後製階段到大陸市場不僅可低生產成本,並可專注發展創新的故事題材。第三、尋找新合作夥伴如創意設計公司,幫助太極影音發展創新的故事題材,與歐美市場做出區隔。 As a part of the Challenge of 2008, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has been promoting a "Two Trillion and Twin Star" program, the government has established that the animation and gaming industries will be the key objectives to nurture as a first step. Since the release of the movie “Avatar” in 2009, 3D films have been estimated to become a mainstream market. Thus, the 3D animation industry is becoming attractive nowadays. So far, only a few papers have researched computer animation or 3D animation as it is a new field. This thesis serves as a starting point for research in this new field. It focuses on studying the sustainability of 3D animation companies in Taiwan. It is a case study of Digimax, an over-twenty-year old company, which is the pioneer of 3D computer animation in Taiwan. By studying the development of the 3D animation industry in Taiwan and performing the five forces analysis, the external environment is depicted. Then, by analyzing the nine blocks of Digimax’s business model, strategic recommendations are made to obtain its sustainability. This research has found that Digimax owns both niche market and mass market. However, with the ambiguous position, it is hard to expand its business. Second, there is no significant characters showing that Digimax’s business model match any one of five business model patterns which were generalized by Osterwalder & Pigneur. According to the opportunities and advantages of the company, this thesis made the following recommendations: First, it shall develop pay-per-view system. Second, go outsourcing China and focusing on creating. Third, it needs new key partners to help create new stories. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48920 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |