標題: 救災物資臨時集散場所選擇評估系統之建立
Relief Supply Collection and Distribution Site Selection System
作者: 黃翊涵
關鍵字: 層級分析法;評估準則;物資集散場所;AHP;evaluative criteria;expert system
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著災害發生頻率漸趨頻繁的情形下,災害防救工作的籌備、整備與計畫漸受重視,921大地震前我國以災後處理為主,其後著重災前整備與應變工作,並頒佈災害防救法與積極制定各級地區災害防救計畫,10年間經過大大小小災害的考驗,物資傳遞問題仍未改善,而物資儲備場所的選定,卻僅根據場所之安全性與空間使用來決定,未有一套評估標準用以評估場所之適宜性。 本研究將建置一場所選擇之評估系統,以專家訪談方式確立評估準則項目,進一步利用專家問卷取得各項準則權重,了解各項評估準則對場所選擇的影響程度,並透過程式設計系統操作介面,測試準則項目之實用性。由於資料之取得性限制,使用桃園縣地區之場所面積400平方公尺以上之收容避難場所為系統測試資料。 權重結果顯示準則影響場所選擇之重要性與考慮之先後順序,第一層級中的環境災害潛勢、交通因素與場所設施因素三層面權重相當;各層面之子層級中又以地震災害潛勢、連外道路可及性與場所特性所得之權重最高。
Disaster responsing has been taking attention rescently. We focus on dealing with the disaster responsding before 921 earthquake. After that, we start preparing and setting up rules of disaster in each area. The delivery problem still happened. the site selection based on the estimation of earthquake, the potential of disaster happening, and the equipment oaround the site. The purpose of the study is going to set up a stander criterion of site selection. There is no criterion could be followed for site selection. There are three steps used to set up the stander of site selection. First, the criterion was set up by visiting experts. The second one is getting the weight of each criteria with questionnary. The weight of criteria means the degree of influence. Finally, programming a system to present the arranging result. Because of the limitation of data, we use the shelters which have inner area over 400 m2 in Tao Yaun as dataset. The weight of criterion shows the influence while selecting the site. Every criterion has close weight in the first layer. The potential of earthquake happening, the arriving feasibility and the facilities of site get the highest weight during the second layer.


  1. 657901.pdf

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