標題: ESCO產業之比較分析
A Cross National Analysis of the ESCO Industries
作者: 留亭穎
關鍵字: ESCO產業;能源服務;能源效率;知識密集服務;創新密集服務分析模式;ESCO;Energy Service Company Industry;Performance Contract;ESPC;ECMs;Innovation Intensive Services;IIS
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 能源技術服務為可提高能源使用效率與節約能源的重要商業模式,同時為專業知識涵量高、技術複雜度高、跨領域整合度高的創新服務產業,具備知識密集型服務業特性,極適合本研究所採用的創新密集服務平台模式來分析。 本研究即是以創新密集服務分析模式為分析架構,配合綠建築設計服務的產業特性,以四種客製化程度與五種創新類型作為橫縱軸,架構出能源服務商20種可能的經營型態,並詳盡討論各國目前的策略定位與未來的策略意圖走向。研究方法則採用文獻分析與專家問卷調查,針對各國目前與未來策略定位,進行小樣本的統計分析。 在實證結果上顯示,美國在發展ESCO產業時,未來(5~10年)策略應根據結構創新提供客製化程度最高的專屬型服務;歐盟在發展ESCO產業時,未來(5~10年)策略應根據結構創新提供客製化程度次高的選擇型服務;日本在發展ESCO產業時,未來(5~10年)策略應根據市場創新提供客製化程度次高的選擇型服務;大陸在發展ESCO產業時,未來(5~10年)策略應根據流程創新提供客製化程度次高的選擇型服務;台灣在發展ESCO產業時,未來(5~10年)策略應根據結構創新提供客製化程度次高的選擇型服務。
This thesis applies an integrated model of innovation intensive services(IIS) to portray the future strategic prospects of Service Innovation for the ESCO Industries. Research methods include literature review , expert, interview , questionnaire and statistics that analyses the present positions and the future positions in different countries. Result shows the present position as Selective Service/Process Innovation in the United States.In the next 5 years , it is expected to move to the position of theUnique Service/Structural Innovation.The present position in the European Union is Selective Service/Organizational Innovation and in the next 5 years , it is expected to move to the position of Selective Service/ Structural Innovation. Selective Service/Structural Innovation is the present position in Japan but in the next 5 years it is expected to move to the position of Selective Service/Market Innovation. In China the Generic Service/Product Innovation position is expected to develop into the position of Selective Service/Process Position in the next 5 years. In the next 5 years the position of Taiwan is expected to move from Restricted Service/Product Innovation to Selective Service/Structural Innovation. Research results provide a mechanical understanding of Service Innovation for the ESCO Industries. Meanwhile , they complement the current academic references.