標題: 知覺風險影響消費者對近場無線通訊(NFC)技術手機電子錢包付費之行為意圖研究─以台北市大學生為例
A Moderator Effect of Perceived Risk to Consumers’ Behavior Intentions of NFC Technology Mobile E-Payment─ a Case of College Student in Taipei
作者: 張詩宜
關鍵字: 科技接受模型;近場無線通訊技術;電子錢包;知覺風險;干擾效果;TAM model;Near Filed Communication (NFC);E-wallet;percieved risk;moderator effect
公開日期: 2011
摘要: NFC技術是由免接觸式射頻識別(RFID)以及互連技術的整合演變而來。未來的技術目標是將NFC配備到手機、PDA、數位相機、攜帶式遊戲機、電腦以及數位消費性電子之上,並通過ID資料的認證,使雙方透過收費方式進行資料和服務的交換。而目前在台灣僅將NFC技術應用於卡片識別及卡片型電子錢包小額交易。台灣在2004年前即引進NFC的技術,由中華電信與諾基亞開發了NFC手機,但當時的技術環境尚未成熟、民眾對於NFC技術之認知及了解不足,而NFC在台灣尚未能普及的重要原因是因為缺乏完善的付款處理系統,另外還尚需搭配政策(包括金流、電信業者跨業經營的法規)的配合。但因為目前智慧型手機的成長以及手機平台開發的運用越來越開放及蓬勃,因此NFC的話題再度被提起,也因為技術層面的大躍進而出現了龐大商機。NFC系統是未來多方消費及發展之重要關鍵之一,而使用悠遊卡結合手機等消費將會引發另一種消費契機及改變消費者之消費習慣,因此未來之消費成長可期,如此龐大的新型態消費模式及通路,必能帶動及發展更多花樣的電子商務契機,諸如行動消費(行動電子錢包─結合手機及悠遊卡功能)。 本研究以Davis學者於1989所提出的科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為研究架構,投入個人創新性、NFC電子錢包使用經驗、技術相容性、使用方便性作為外生變數,並加入知覺風險變數為調節變數。研究證實,NFC電子錢包使用經驗、技術相容性及使用便利性對知覺易用性有顯著影響,使用便利性對知覺有用性有顯著影響,而知覺易用性會影響知覺有用性,且兩個變數皆會影響使用態度進而影響行為意圖,另外的兩個知覺風險干擾變數則對於使用態度及行為意圖皆無顯著影響。
NFC technology evolved from Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and integration of interconnection technology. In the future, the goal of technology is to apply NFC to cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras, portable video games, and computers and digital consumption electric products. Through passing the ID authentication, both sides can exchange information and services by paying. There are only two NFC usages on card identifications and card-type e-wallet transactions. In 2004, Taiwan had introduced NFC, Chonghwa Telecom Co., Ltd and Nokia co-develop NFC cell phone. The tech environment had not been mature at that time, customers didn’t know about NFC so much, lacks of complete payment system, cash flow information, and laws of cross-industry business, so NFC could not become universal in Taiwan. The growth of smart phone and applications developed on platform of cell phone is open and booming; therefore the issue of NFC tech is aroused again. And there become a huge opportunity because of a significant progress of tech level. NFC system will be one of key factors of multi-consumption and development. It will change behaviors and habits of consumers by using Easy card and cell phone to consume products or services. What a tremendous new type of consumption model and new channels, such as mobile e-wallet combined with phone and Easy card, it must drive e-commerce into a manifold level; hence, growth of business in the future is expected. This study adopts the TAM model proposed by Davis (1989) as the research framework and organizes the variables with exogenous variables such as self-innovation, experiences of NFC e-wallet, compatibility of technology, and convenience of usage and with perceived risks as moderator variables. The study confirms that experiences of NFC e-wallet, compatibility of technology, and convenience of usage effect perceived ease of use significantly, convenience of usage effect perceived of usefulness significantly, a significant difference in perceived ease of use and perceived of usefulness, and the two variables effect use attitude and then effect behavior intention significantly as well. But there are no differences in two perceived risk moderators to use attitude and behavior intention.