標題: 群生構築
作者: 戴于凱
Tai, Yu-Kai
Hsu, Pei-Hsien
關鍵字: 群生;構築;Group;Construction
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 資訊介入建築設計的發展,從電腦輔助建築設計 (CAAD)開始,建築透過CAAD的模擬、預測和分析的能力,來創造、測試和評估設計的結果,可以有效率的對設計作品做整合及改進。而最直接影響的就在於建築物的組構,透過資訊運算的方式,可以直接模擬建築物的組構方式,不僅加快建造過程,也讓三維曲面的建築設計能夠落實。這種透過資訊輔助建築建造的過程,可以稱之為「資訊化構築」。 本論文提出「群生構築」這個概念,群生構築是由「群體」與「構築」兩個字組合而成,群生的意義在於群體本身也不再只是實體單元所組成的,而是包含實體單元與虛擬單元兩種不同屬性的單元,企圖使用資訊化構築的方式,讓兩種不同性質的單元透過組構的方式,成為一個群體。群生構築以資訊化構築做為主要的施做手法,然而,有別於過去資訊化構築的資訊大多只是用於輔助建築物組構關係的決定,群生構築所要探討的是更深入的組構行為:把資訊納入到群體之中,做為一種構築的單元,並探討如何透過資訊元素的介入,整合實虛兩種不同性質的單元、創造更為複雜的組構關係。 基於群生構築的概念,本論文透過四個設計案來測試實體單元、虛擬單元、以及資訊三者的交互作用以及組成關係,藉此重新思考資訊化構築、探索新世代構築的可能性: 1. 虛-實轉換 (Pixel Data Cube):透過資訊的轉譯,把虛擬的組構轉換成實體的組構。 2. 實−虛−實二度轉換 (Scaffolding):建築透過資訊化的轉譯,再回饋到外牆單元的組構關係。 3. 虛實共構 (Box World):研究實體裝置與虛擬空間的連結關係,嘗試透過資訊直接介入兩者中間,連結兩者組成一個網絡群體。 4. 實體非接觸連結 (Triton):實驗利用訊號的連結,讓實體物件彼此不互相接觸,直接透過訊息傳遞,建構一個互動溝通的網絡群體。
Ever since the emergence of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD), information technology has become an integral part of architectural design. Through CAAD and its abilities in simulation, forecasting and analysis, architectural design can be digitally created, tested, and evaluated, and thus designing may be improved. The most important influence to architecture, as a consequence of using such technologies, rests in construction and fabrication methods, which now can be simulated beforehand. This does not only speed up the construction process, but also make the designing of free-form surfaces more feasible. Such a process of using information technology to assist the construction of architecture can be called "Information-based Construction ". This thesis proposes a concept called “Group - Construction”. The word “Co-operated” implied that architecture is composed of a group of components, and they are, as the thesis suggests, not necessarily physical. Group - Construction is seen as a system of components that are either physical or virtual. By means of Information-based Construction, the two types of components are integrated into a cooperative whole. Group - Construction takes Information-based Construction as the main construction method. Unlike conventional Information-based construction approaches, which are mostly used to assist the decision-makings for architectural constructions, Group - Construction aims to investigate deeper into the behaviors of construction. It sees information as a constructed component, seeking to combine information, along with both physical and virtual components, into a network of co-operated system with more complex compositional relationships. Based on such a concept, this thesis uses four design projects to test the inter-relationships among physical elements, virtual elements and information. With the outcome of these projects, the idea of Information-based Construction is re-examined, and possibilities of next-generation architecture, in terms of newly defined construction, are explored. The four projects are as below: 1. Pixel Data Cube: transforming networked virtual elements into a system of physical components through the translation of underlying information structure 2. Scaffolding: a reflexive process which goes from information-based translation of an existing building, which leads to an intermediate virtual system, to the construction of networked physical components attached to the building itself 3. Box World: a study on using information as a mechanism for linking virtual and physical components to form a inter-connected network 4. Triton: an experiment on using communicational signals to construct physical components, physically separated, into a co-operative system composed units talking to others


  1. 751001.pdf
  2. 751002.pdf

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