Title: 電子回收產業創新曲線-以佳龍電子回收業為例
An Innovative Curve for Electronics Recycling Industry ---A Case Study Super Dragon Technology Corporation
Authors: 吳界欣
Keywords: 成長策略;競爭分析;價值創新;策略聯盟;growth strategy;competitive analysis;value innovation;strategic alliances
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 中文摘要 電子廢棄物回收產業是台灣綠色產業中重要的一環,也是綠色經濟時代的主力產業,過去台灣電子廢棄物回收業的發展重心大多集中在回收製程上,但近年來由於受到產業鏈整合的影響,已經邁向通路整合的趨勢。 本研究的主要目的在於發掘電子廢棄物回收產業成長的動力,藉由探討台灣電子廢棄物回收產業、以及產業的發展瓶頸等問題,佐之以個案公司的發展歷程、發展策略、營運方針、競爭情勢及其所選取的成長模式,分析其營收/獲利,以及不同價值鏈環節面臨的挑戰與機會,提出公司發展的策略建議,期能作為台灣電子廢棄物回收公司未來成長模式的參考。
Abstract E-waste recycling industry is an important part of the green industry in Taiwan. It’s also one of the representatives to the era of green economics. With the environmental transformation, the trend of E-waste recycling industry has evolved itself into the integration of channels while the technology acts as the platform to this industry. The main purpose of this research is to explore the growth momentum of the e-waste recycling industry, through exploring the E-waste recycling industry as well as its bottlenecks. We also discuss the development, strategies, operational guidelines, and the competitive situation and variance models to analyze the case company to set as a benchmark to the E-waste industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis