Title: 應用極致編程進行系統開發之個案研究
A Case Study of Extreme Programming Development
Authors: 曾智麟
Tseng, Chih-Lin
Tsai, Min-Jen
Keywords: 敏捷開發;軟體開發;極致編程;Agile Development;Software Development;Extreme Programming
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 現今的企業面臨全球化競爭的市場,資訊科技的快速變遷以及產品的生命週期縮短等現況,使得企業獲利必須仰賴快速且彈性的商業流程,為了因應上述的挑戰,企業的經營效率必須提升,因此企業營運流程資訊化的程度將決定該企業是否具有競爭力的指標。一般中小型的企業於建置資訊系統時,常面臨預算不足、開發人員能力不足、以及高度客製化及需求變更快速的狀況。傳統的瀑布式(Waterfall Model)軟體開發模式分為需求分析、設計、實作、測試等階段,每一階段結束才可進入下一階段。此開發模式的開發週期長且不具彈性,因此本研究以敏捷式軟體開發的簡單、效率及彈性等特性,透過實際的系統開發來建立具高品質且符合使用者需求的資訊系統。經由個案的實作證明,應用敏捷式方法於小型資訊系統的開發確實可達成低成本、開發週期短、客戶滿意度高之效益。
Under the pressure of the competitive global market, rapid changes in information and technology, and shortened product life cycle, etc., today’s enterprises have to rely on fast and flexible business processes in order to gain profits. To respond to these challenges, enterprises would have to improve on their business efficiency, thus the degree of informationization in the business processes becomes the indicator of the enterprises’ competitiveness. Generally, to establish the information systems, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will encounter several issues such as insufficient budget, inadequate developers, high degree of customization and fast changing business needs. The traditional Waterfall model is one kind of software development methodologies widely used, including the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation and test, in which, one should move to a phase only when its preceding phase has completed, resulting in a long development cycle and lack of flexibility. Hence, this research utilizes the Agile Software Development scheme that is characterized by simplicity, efficiency and flexibility, so as to construct a high quality information system that meets the users’ requirements. Based on the implementation results, this research has found that a small-size information system using Agile Software Development methodology can achieve low costs, short development cycle, and high user satisfaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis