標題: 風力發電併網系統與逆變器之研究
An Industry Analysis of the Grid Connected Wind Power and Inverter Systems
作者: 李妤榛
關鍵字: 風力發電;併網;逆變器;產業組合分析;產業創新需求要素;Wind power;Grid connected;Inverter;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Industrial Innovation Resources
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析為基礎,建構風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業之競爭策略,以市場成長曲線與風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業價值鏈為區隔變數。透過此一分析區隔出風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業之定位,再利用產業創新需求要素分析模式的研究方法。研究方法上採取文獻分析、專家訪談、專家問卷調查,佐以無母數統計方法以進行小樣本專家問卷之推論,分析歸納出發展風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業的關鍵成功要素,提出台灣風力發電併網系統之逆變器未來發展方向,以及建議政府可推動之具體政策。 分析後結果得出,風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業中劃分兩區隔市場,逆變器組件模組目前是介於「萌芽期」階段與「成長期」階段,預計未來五年逐漸往「成長期」發展,在產業供應鏈上則是「研發期」階段,而專家認位未來五年發展方向則是定位往「生產製造」階段發展;逆變器併網整合系統目前是處於「萌芽期」階段,預計未來五年逐漸往「成長期」發展,在產業供應鏈上則是「研發」階段,未來五年發展方向則是定位往「市場應用」階段發展。 本研究根據產業創新需求要素與政策類型的分析結果得到,歸納出台灣發展風力發電併網逆變器產業之具體推動策略,在研究發展方面,可加強「國家整體對創新的支持」與「政府對產業政策的制定」,在研究環境方面,可藉由「具整合能力之研究單位」,在技術知識上應加強「併網系統標準建立」,在市場環境上需加強「國家基礎建設」與「產品技術與規格的規範」,而台灣未來風力發電併網系統之逆變器產業的走向牽涉到創新需求要素的支援程度。
This thesis reports on a strategic assessment for the grid connected wind power and inverter systems industry. A portfolio model is used to assess the strategic positioning entailing a 2-dimensional analysis, containing market s-curve (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal axis). Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, expert interview, and general survey, respectively. Furthermore, this thesis offers advice on global strategy and suggestions for Taiwanese firms about how to play a role in the value chain of the grid connected wind power and inverter systems industry. Research results reveal that the grid connected wind power and inverter systems industry is positioned at the burgeoning phase of the market s-curve, and also at the research and development area of the value chain. The future prospects should be more toward at the position of the manufacturing phase, and base on the research and development results to move forward to the market applications phase. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments are “Support of innovation from the all Nation”, “The Government’s policies for industry”, “Integration capability of research teams”, “Setting grid connected systems standard”, “Infrastructure development”, “Regulations of industry technology and standard”. The corresponding policy instruments in support of developing IIRs are provided in the conclusion of this thesis.