Title: 微型電網系統之策略研究
A Strategic Assessment of the Micro Grid Systems
Authors: 徐正賢
Hsu, Cheng-Hsien
Shyu, Joseph Z.
Keywords: 微型電網;產業組合分析;創新政策;產業創新需求要素;Micro Grid;Industrial Portfo;io Analysis;Innovation Policy;Industrial Innovation Resources
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析為基礎,建構Micro Grid產業之競爭策略,以市場成長曲線與Micro Grid產業價值鏈為區隔變數。透過此一分析區隔出Micro Grid產業之定位,並利用產業創新需求要素分析模式及產業專家之意見調查,分析歸納出發展Micro Grid產業的關鍵成功要素,提出台灣Micor Grid未來發展的可能經營策略。 分析後結果得出,Micro Grid產業目前定位在市場成長曲線的萌芽期,以及產業價值鏈中的研發部分;未來冀望針對研發持續投入,使Micro Grid產業順利進展到生產製造的成長期,並利用研發的成果向生產製造的部分邁進。 為輔助台灣Micro Grid產業成長,本研究根據產業創新需求要素與政策類型的分析結果得到,政府需要優先提供與加強的要素有:「國家基礎研究能力」、「國家整體對創新的支持」、「建設計畫與實施」、「政府對產業政策的訂定」、「技術移轉及引進機制」、「創新育成體制」、「建立系統標準」、「技術引進及移轉」、「系統整合」、「需求量大的市場」、「國家基礎建設」、「產業技術與規格的規範」、「專門領域的研究人員」、「研究團隊整合能力」、「提供短期資金的銀行或金融體系」。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of the development of the Micro Grid industry, using a portfolio model to assess competitive and strategic equirements for the development. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, containing market s-curve (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal). Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, expert interview, and general survey. This research reveals that the Micro Grid industry is positioned at the burgeoning phase of the market s-curve, and also at the research and development area of the value chain. The future prospects should forward at the position of the manufacture phase, and base on the research and development results to move to the manufacture phase. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments are “Nation fundamental research capability”, “Support of innovation from the all Nation”, “Constructure plan and implementation”, “The Government’s policies for industry”, “Mechanism for technology transferring and introducing”, “System for innovation and incubation”, “Setting system standard”, “Application software designning”, “System integration”, “Strong demand market”, “Nation infrastructure”, “Regulations of industry techonolgy and standard”, “Special territory researchers”, “Integration enabilitt of research teams”, “Short-term finance for banking”. More specifically, the corresponding policy instruments in support of developing IIRs are provided in the conclusion of this thesis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis