標題: 在iOS行動裝置上之六子棋遊戲設計與研究
The Study and Development of Connect6 Game for iOS Devices
作者: 胡嘉芸
Hu, Chia-Yun
Wu, I-Chen
關鍵字: 六子棋;行動裝置;iOS;NCTU6;Connect6;mobile;iOS;NCTU6
公開日期: 2012
摘要: iOS是Apple公司發展的行動裝置作業系統,目前以iOS為主的行動裝置十分普遍,其應用程式下載量亦相當龐大。 六子棋是一個新的棋類遊戲,近年來已成為國際性電腦遊戲競賽的項目之一。本實驗室已發表許多關於六子棋的研究,以及開發六子棋程式─NCTU6,在國際比賽中獲得許多佳績。為了使六子棋有多樣性的發展,我們決定在iOS行動裝置上開發六子棋遊戲程式。 本篇論文描述一個在iOS行動裝置上開發六子棋遊戲的設計與實作。此程式除了完成基本的六子棋雙人對弈功能,還支援由本實驗室發展的人工智慧程式讓使用者可以與程式對弈以增長棋力。同時,本程式提供詰棋闖關遊戲,讓使用者藉由解詰棋題目的遊戲過程達到自我訓練的目的。另外,本論文的設計經驗可以提供之後不同棋類遊戲的iOS應用程式開發作為參考。
iOS is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc.. Mobile devices based on iOS are popular, An evidence is that the times of application downloading is the highest among all mobile devices. Connect6 is a new board game introduced by Professor I-Chen Wu in 2005. There has several researches of Connect6 were done before in our laboratory. In this thesis, we develop a Connect6 game on iOS mobile devices. The program includes the basic game with two-players and the one-player game where users play against the Connect6 AI program supported by our laboratory. Besides, we also support puzzle games for users’ self-training. With our design and experience, other board games can be developed for iOS devices easily in the future.


  1. 050301.pdf

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