標題: 百貨公司贈品促銷對消費者行為之影響 —以台北市百貨公司為例
The Influence on Consumers' Behavior by Department Store's Premium Promotion with Department Stores in Taipei as Example
作者: 陳柏蓁
Chen, Po-Chen
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 百貨公司;促銷;贈品;知覺價值;購買意願;商店評價;department store;sales promotion;premium;awareness value;purchase will;store evaluation
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著經濟復甦,國民生活品質不斷提高,使得服務業蓬勃發展,帶動經濟成長。在服務業當中,百貨業的現金流量大,與國內的經濟發展息息相關,值得我們關注;另一方面,近年來許多大型百貨公司陸續開幕,業者為了吸引消費者、衝業績,使出渾身解數,促銷手段花招百出,全館8折起或其他純粹價格促銷幾乎已經變成常態,業者開始利用大量贈品來吸引消費者目光。 近一兩年,業者經常推出的贈品促銷活動是:「消費者在特定活動期間內於百貨公司中消費累積到特定的金額,即可憑發票兌換特定贈品」,而贈品通常有二個以上的選擇性供消費者做選擇。因此尋找出最後消費者青睞的贈品選擇數量,有助於百貨業者在贈品的庫存管理,是一個值得探討的課題。有鑑於此,除了贈品的數量選擇性,本研究搭配促銷活動期間的長短與贈品的數量限制性,盼望能為百貨業者提供一種最有效的贈品促銷活動,作為未來舉辦促銷活動之參考。 本研究結果顯示: 1).百貨公司滿額送好禮的促銷活動,在贈品的數量選擇性上,消費者行為會確實隨選擇數量不同而有所不同。 2).在促銷活動期間的長短,活動期間較長的促銷活動對消費者行為之影響較顯著。 3).在商店評價價方面,不同的贈品促銷活動方式對消費者沒有顯著的影響。
With the reviving of the economy, our highly-improved life quality booms service industries and causes economic growth. Among the service industries, general merchandise trade having a great to do with economic development for its great amount of cash flow is especially worthy of attention. Furthermore, many large department stores have been opened in the recent years and they do their best to promote in order to attract consumers and boost sales. Since 20% off for all and price reduction is very common, sellers start rewarding their customers with large numbers of prizes to draw their attention. Lately, a frequent promotion is that customers can reward unique gifts with their receipt for the purchasing amounting to a certain volume of money in a limited period of time and there are usually more than two gifts offered for choice. Therefore finding out the suitable quantity of gift's choices helps sellers with stock management of prizes and it's a worthwhile research. Besides, I also take in the time period of promotion activity with the limit of choices of gift’s quantity and I hope my study can provide a most effective way to promote with gifts for department store sellers. The study shows: 1).In the "buy some get gifts free" promotion activities, consumers' behavior changes when the quantity of gifts for choice is different. 2).Time period of promotion-The long period has a distinct influence on consumers' behavior. 3).As for the evaluation of the store, different ways of gift promotion has vague effect upon consumer's behavior.


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